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Patrick Needs Your Help!!!!
5/2/2006 4:42:29 PM
Hello my friends, My friend Patrick needs your help,he wants to redo his website but needs to know what he can do to make it more appealing and get more customers to buy from him,Is it his content he has??Is it the kinds of products he is selling??Is the prices to high??Patrick need our help He is from Haiti And he does not know about how we work in things very good so Patrick needs your input badly,He needs to start generating something soon,Help our Adlandpro friend and tell him what he needs to know,Thanks,Kathy here is his link please go and look and tell him what he needs to do to fix things,
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Patrick Needs Your Help!!!!
5/2/2006 4:52:33 PM
The first thing I'd do is get rid of the sentence that follows a person mouse because it is so annoying as it interfers with the business at hand. In fact it's so distracting that even as I went back the second time to the site I left without truly knowing what I was looking at.
Susan Dorey
Re: Patrick Needs Your Help!!!!
5/2/2006 6:15:50 PM
Hi Patrick, I clicked around and thought it looked clean. I did notice that when I clicked on the about us link I found 9 more pages of items and then I found a link (can't recall where though) called Pick of the week where some items started scrolling from the bottom of the page. First and foremost I would have some type of a link to every page from the home page. To do this will take some type of structure. For example picture a column on the right side of the home page where the picks of the week are already scrolling? It will attract the viewer to look. I would concentrate on adding some structure to the home page first.I can send you a zipped file of 100 website templates. Play around with them, delete em, butcher em up to suit your needs. If you would like them just send me a note.
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Re: Patrick Needs Your Help!!!!
5/2/2006 7:30:59 PM
Hi Patrick, I like the look of the page, but the description you give leads one to believe there is more of a variety of items to be found. I would just let people know what they can find by clicking your links. You did a very good job.
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Re: Patrick Needs Your Help!!!!
5/2/2006 8:49:45 PM
Hey Patrick! I have a few suggestions for your design. 1. Add table borders to break up the page more, and draw attention to the center of the page, where your products are. Remember that the natural flow when reading is a Z... left to right, down, left to right. Make your page flow like that. 2. Add some color, or static graphic to the page. 3. Get rid of the animated graphics. They are too distracting. 4. Change your font to something like: arial, verdana, or tahoma. They are much more appealing to the eye. 5. Add a little more content. Write a little about the brand names you carry, shipping, etc.. Tell them why they should buy from you. Tell them how you can help them. I hope that helps you. Have an awesome day! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276