WOAH!!! After two huge months, I'm emerging to breathe!! WHAT A RIDE!!! :-)
I'd say that depends on your goals. If you want to make a few hundred to a few thousand dollars monthly, absoluterly take days off and invest minimal effort.
Tim and I got to the monthly income we're at now but taking calls on our cell when we're "out and about".... by being available when needed ... and YOU BET it was worth every minute of it!! CELL PHONES work JUST fine from our boat! :-)
Build your PASSION, and BUILD your income!!! Having seen kids die from household cleaners, and adults on ventilators from cleaning bathrooms, and even the cancer rate today, to tell someone how to SAVE money they are already spending somewhere while using Natural cleaners is EASY for me... THAT's where the PASSION comes in!!
GO GET 'EM and have an awesome month everyone!!!
Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
YAHOO IM- BizNurse2001
AOL IM - TxBizNurse