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Re: Business website advise needed
5/1/2006 3:35:14 PM
Hi Vincent, My advice would be for you to buy from and you will love it. P.S.
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Flag of Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Business website advise needed
5/1/2006 8:41:12 PM
If you want to create a professioanl looking web site that sells, you are not going to get it for free. Free hosting looks cheap and unprofessional. 1. Your host will be competing with you for your visitors. 2. You have limited tools to work with, and cannot use things like scripts, flash, and other necessary things, such as shopping carts. 3. Most free hosting services state in the fine print, that their services are not to be used for commercial purposes. You need to buy your own domain name and pay for a hosting account. This IS NOT expensive. But it is a necessary business expense. You can go to GDI and get hosting for $10/month. When it comes to business, you have to spend money to make. Fact of life. Consider this: Would you expect to see a profit from the stock market without investing anything? Of course not. Well, you can't expect to see a profit from a business if you are not willing to invest in it either. How many bottles of Pepsi do you think would be bought if Pepsi Co didn't spend money on market research and advertising? Why do you think they spend millions of dollars on a 60 second spot durring the Super Bowl? Because you have to spend it to make it. That is the way sales and marketing work. If you want to get coached by a business professional, you'd better have cash. The first thing they ask you is, "How much money do you have to invest in your business?" If you say none, they say nice talking to ya! That is the reality of being in business. You have to spend it to make it. If you aren't willing to invest in your business, why should anyone want to invest in what you're selling? My Fifty Cents Worth... Trina PS: The trick is to find the best value for your dollar.
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
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Re: Business website advise needed
5/1/2006 9:03:43 PM
Hello kathy, I think a website or an auction site, do you know about pressmania? You can sell there also for your areas. Thankyou & best wishes. Lisa
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Re: Business website advise needed
5/2/2006 10:40:10 AM
Thanks for the info. I already have an ebay account. I am looking for my own personnel website that I can do. I want to be the one who sets the groudrules for bidding etc. Vince
Re: Business website advise needed
5/2/2006 10:44:22 AM
Thanks Pat. I will do that but I also want to set up my own site. There are charges on ebay when you put something up for bid. I want a site where just my merchandise is displayed. You need to go to different areas in ebay when looking for items.I would like to sell things for myself and others. Vince

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