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4/27/2006 10:24:18 AM
Hi Great topic Kathy, thanks for the invite. It takes time to build true friendship, over time Chris definition is what it takes to build a friendship! I had friendships that didn't last a yr or 2, finding out your friend wasn't really your friend! But over the years I build great friendships with 4 people. One I know since I was caring my daughter 26yrs, one 22yrs, the other 2... 10yrs and 8yrs. When friendship last that long that is true friendship because it's not that easy to build a great, lasting friendship. It's like a marriage you have to both work at it and be mutual... this is my definition, otherwise it's acquaintances !!! Warm Regards Speak out & pass it on! Broadcast Decency United Voice Against CHILD ABUSE
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4/27/2006 10:33:11 AM
Wow, Everyone thank you so very much to repling,Now this is what I think friendship is, not being afraid to just view this topic but to actually reply to it,not afraid who is reading and thinking something funny,It takes courage and true feelings to express your self so we may help each other grow,To be yourself and let others into our lives.For just being there to lend an ear, to try and do whatever to comfort another to make the other person feel gladness in there hearts, to always make the other person feel special about them selves, to be there to laugh with, and to cry with and to experience different emotions with. You have all been such a great friend to me,that is what my friendship means to me, God Speed to you all. Kathy
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4/27/2006 11:44:46 AM
This is a very interesting topic seeing how we are all here asking to be friends. I can only tell you what friends mean to me and what the meaning of friendship is to me. Friends to me are plentiful and I don't befriend anyone until they turn on me. Yet, I only know a handful I could trust. I have no buddies that I visit. I don't go out and hang with the guys and bound a few back so if I want someone I can relate to I look here online. Friendship on the otherhand can be vague or it can be powerful. It all depends on the friend. To have a friend I can trust is a must and people don't want to get that close to me to become that close a friend. I scare people as soon as they ask me to talk about myself. It's not a pretty story. Therefore friends to me are few and far between. The ones I do have are there for life. They stuck through and liked me for who I was and know what I looked like I should be. I have been stabbed in the back by several differnt friends at different times in my life and those people were not true friends which made be see people differently than I did when I was young. I have hope for the human race, I know we can all be good, we just gotta want it, everyday. I sit back here as well and watch all the silly stuff going on in peoples lives at adlandpro and I have seen who I can and can't call a friend. And it pains me. I feel people Judge you here just like anywhere else in the world and then pretend to be your best friend. Some of you may be offended by me saying that and some of you won't some of you may feel the same way and were afraid to say it. Well that's the kind of friend I am, I am honest, straight up, no crap, in your face telling the way it is. Most people I have learned, don't like that because there is usually something I do or say that makes them think that I may be right and that they must be wrong. You would have to get to know me to understand me. I'm like a lower-middle-class asshole like Dr. Phil. I slap you in the face with your reality that you thought no one else could see. I'm not rude but some think I am arogant and cocky which is what created I only have one thing to talk about to people. My life is dedicated to helping you. You just don't want to know that. I am helping people change the time they live on this planet, I go to bed knowing I changed the course of someones life and man that make my life b-e-a-utiful. I am here for this reason and this is my destiny. The friends I make with the words I spew are friends forever. And they know what I mean and then they can see the real me that others don't want to stick around for. See, your thinking this guy is a freakin nut. When people say "Hi! How Ya Doing?" They don't wanna know. You start telling them what they don't wanna hear, their gone. Everyone is in their own world. Tell me I'm Wrong. Tell me If Any of the things I said are wrong. And be a friend I'm looking to get close to. I believe my direct approach lost me all my friends here, hardly anyone reads my posts anymore. Maybe I AM wrong? Randy
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).
4/27/2006 11:54:59 AM
Friendship is like a ride on a railroad train. There are some people who sit next to us for a while. They seem to be kind and caring. They get off a little way down our ride. These are like our friends at work. There are those who get on and take a back seat for awaile. We go over to them and talk to them. They are our neighbors who become our friends. There are those who sit next to us and stay for a long time but eventually get off the train way down the line. Those are our close friends who we lose when we move and lose touch. There are those who get on the train and we enjoy sitting next to them. They dissappear and are missed. Those are our friends that leave us when they pass on. Then there are those who we sit next to and listen to them. We feel very comfortable with them and will stay with them till the end of our ride. Those are our closest and dearest friends. Vince
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4/27/2006 3:22:10 PM
Hi Kathy, My Grandfather used to say that on the day of your death if you could count all your frineds on one hand, you have had a fullfilling life. Real friends come into our lives very rarely. Your Good Friend Deborah
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