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Craftie Linda

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May Day Holiday
4/26/2006 11:39:55 PM
This is celebrated the first Monday in May May Day is International Workers Day, a day that should recognise that the working class is an international class; that the oppressed and exploited throughout the world have everything in common with each other and nothing in common with 'their' nation, 'their' government and 'their' bosses. So migrants, refugees, those deemed 'illegal immigrants' by the State, those facing deportation, people in detention, should be at the center of what May Day is all about. The Trade Union movement has had a sorry history in relation to immigration controls. At the beginning of the 20th century the TUC agitated for the first immigration controls against Jews, which helped bring about the introduction of the 1905 Aliens Act. At various times throughout that century trades unions have organised against migrant workers and for greater controls. So not only have migrants confronted with the physical and legal borders, they have to contest the borders that exist within the workers movement itself. On May Day we must challenge that and call for a world without borders. There has always been a voice within the trade union movement in support of migrant rights and against controls starting with the 'Voice from the Aliens' over a hundred years ago. More recently trades unions have opposed new legislation strengthening immigration controls. Today some unions such as Natfhe and NUJ have come out against immigration controls. Immigration controls are in your work place and the union ought to be fighting them. People in the caring professions are supposed to act as immigration officers; reporting migrants to the Home Office, denying people services because of their immigration status, evicting them and taking their children away. We say DEFIANCE NOT COMPLIANCE! People in your union are rounded up, detained and deported. We say NO DEPORTATION! NO DETENTIONS! Set up or support a campaign against their deportation. Take industrial action to oppose their deportation. 'Illegal' or precarious immigration status makes many workers vulnerable to super-exploitation paid well below the minimum wage with no health and safety conditions. The tragic consequences of this have been seen on the sands of Morecambe Bay. It is a duty of the trades union movement to organise, support and defend all workers regardless of their immigration status and say loud and clear IMMIGRATION CONTROLS KILL! NO ONE IS ILLEGAL! WHO ARE LONDON NO BORDERS? London No Borders are a group of people who are opposed to immigration controls. As well as putting forward the arguments against immigration controls, we are involved, often with alliance with others, with practical activities against the various aspects of controls. We are working to support people detained in centers around London – Harmondsworth and Colnbrook, Yarlswood – organising visits, campaigning for their release and against their deportations. We have organised demonstrations at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook. We are currently supporting the self-organised struggles against detention centres by people detained inside Colnbrook, Haslar and Harmondsworth detention centres, who have formed a new movement called ‘Cry Freedom’ to demand their release. Their dissent has taken the form of hunger strikes, mass food refusals, and sit-down protests, and many of them have faced severe repression from guards as a result of this. We leaflet at centers where asylum seekers have to sign-on and could be detained and taken away, with information about their rights. We support and encourage people in the caring professions to refuse to carry out immigration control duties. We disseminate information about campaigns around the country and around the world and will work in concert to make international days of action. We meet every two weeks on Thursdays at 7pm @ The Square Social Centre, 21 Russell Square, London WC1. Next meeting is Thursday 4th May. If you want to get involved you can contact us at Linda
Ron Stouder

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Re: May Day Holiday
4/27/2006 12:48:59 AM
Hi Linda, There sure don't seem to be easy answers for some things. I agree with you, there are no illegal human beings. There are many people who are entering various Countries illegally. In most cases in the U.S., they have no legitimate idenity. Who are they ? How do you find them ? Are they a fugitive from justice ? An escaped prisoner ? A pedophille ? Who knows. Nobody knows. No fair minded person would want to condemn someone for wanting to better their life, by going to someplace where they would be more likely to find a decent job. In this case, of course I'm referring to the U.S. being the landing place. I know in this Country we have an estimated (no body knows the true numbers), ten to twelve million that have entered through primarily our Northern and Southern borders. It is true. They are willing to do a good days work at a lower pay scale. (as are many legitimate citizens.) Greedy corporations, and even some unions in this Country, jump on that opportunity in a flash. Driving down wages for everyone. As the (Feds), the U.S. Government, has been rewarding Corporate America, for several decades now, to close up shop here, and open up shop overseas, it creates a pretty bleak employment situation for many who were born in this Country, or for those who migrated here through legal channels. We are re-disovering diseases in the Continental forty eight States, that haven't been around for many years. Now they are back. You name it baby, we got it. The way that I see things, is that any civilized Country, must have certain laws, and rules of the road, so to speak. To control who does and who does not enter their Country. Especially in this day and age of "The war on Terrorism". I will sign off for this time Linda. Most of us are not bigots in the U.S. We would just like some rhyme and reason, and perhaps common sense to be used on just how many more people we really need entering our Country through illegal methods. Ron S.
Ron Stouder
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: May Day Holiday
4/27/2006 1:41:56 AM
Hi Linda, Thanks for the information. Could you list the author and source of this article. I have mixed feelings about this issue and there are no easy answers. From a legal standpoint, immigrants should follow the laws of our land. However, from a human point of view, we need to open our borders and assist those willing to come and work at jobs Americans don't seem to want to do. As a Christian, I assist our immigrants friends legal or ilegal through programs at our church. Thanks for giving us this information.
John Rivera

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Re: May Day Holiday
4/27/2006 12:22:21 PM
HI CL I know that here in California, the information you've stated here is at an all time high with recommendations, rallies, etc. THERE seems to be no easy way out of this mess. Many churches, clinics and so forth are set up to assist illegals who truly are hard workers and need assiatance in producing paperwork needed to stay here legally. But again, what about all the thugs and troublemakers who are roaming the streets, yes the streets. What needs to be done in this area and how are they going to clean this mess without harassing good people>>> Guess we'll have to see what the FEDs come up with this time????? ========================================= Place a FREE AD on me: FREE: Multiply Your Advertising Results By Thousands With Your Ad Listed On 5635+ Sites! Tons OF Traffic!
Re: May Day Holiday
4/27/2006 2:38:43 PM
Is there anything that is easy these days? good luck with your cause I wish you the best. Rebecca
Rebecca Pauli

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