
John Rivera

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Re: Those who cannot change their minds cannot....
4/26/2006 11:36:09 AM
Hey Bogdan What a true statement!!! ====================================== Place a FREE AD on me: FREE: Multiply Your Advertising Results By Thousands With Your Ad Listed On 5635+ Sites! Tons OF Traffic!
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Re: Those who cannot change their minds cannot....
4/26/2006 12:24:51 PM
Because we are constantly going through changes it is very important that we learn to appreciate our ability to change our minds. We grow daily so it is understandable that what worked for yesterday doesn't always work for today. So people need to realize that to go with the flow and be flexible will allow more blessing to appear into their lives. Great quote
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Those who cannot change their minds cannot....
4/26/2006 12:34:09 PM
"Reasonable men adapt themselves to their environment. Unreasonable men try to adapt their environment to themselves. Thus all progress is the result of efforts of unreasonable men." George Bernard Shaw ---------------------------------------------- "The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution or way of life or say and do things that make people think." Justice William O. Douglas --------------------------------- "Most men... Can seldom accept even the simplest and most oblivious truth if it obligates them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught others and which they have woven thread by thread into the fabric of their lives." Tolstoy -------------------- "Staying with the herd needs no justification: Doesn't everybody believe that?" Gold
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Re: Those who cannot change their minds cannot....
4/26/2006 8:24:40 PM
Bogdan, This is a great quote, but I have a question! Would this apply to a double minded person? A double minded person is unstable in all of his ways. When a person allows their mind to be changed like the blowing of the wind, would this be a good thing or a bad thing? We have to remember that everything a writer puts in print, does not have to be etched in stone.
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Jill Bachman

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Re: Those who cannot change their minds cannot....
4/26/2006 9:32:27 PM
It's for sure they would never survive in the 21st century :-) Thanks Bogdan! Your friend, Jill
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