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Nothing But The Truth
4/25/2006 6:35:21 AM
Suzy was always an imaginative, verbal, excited child. When she was very little she never saw just one dog but, throwing her arms out wide, she'd say, "There were a zillion dogs out there." I feared that she would soon lose the ability to distinguish what was real from what was fantasy. So we talked about lies and the truth and God's commandments about telling the truth. As the time approached for her to enter school, I thought that I should take some firmer steps to teach Suzy about truth. I determined the next time she came in with a huge fib I'd find a way to really teach her. That very afternoon, she was playing in the backyard and came running in excitedly yelling, "Mother, there's a bear in the backyard. A big brown bear!" "Suzy, what have I told you about telling the truth? Now go up to your room and you talk to God about this." Suzy disappeared to her room and was very quiet for a while. I went in to see how she was feeling, and with a beatific smile, she said, "I talked to God and he said he thought it was a bear at first, too." By Winfield Firman Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Nothing But The Truth
4/25/2006 12:21:30 PM
Hi Marilyn, I have a smile from ear to ear on that one. How perfect children are. Thank you for sharing this lovely story. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Re: Nothing But The Truth
4/27/2006 6:00:51 PM
My Dear & Respected Sister Marilyn L.Ali, "Assalamu Alaikum (Var)". Thank you for sharing this lovely story. I liked the story very much. Thanking you, once again. With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers............! Your Ever Loving Brother, Mohamed Khadar Gani.
Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: Nothing But The Truth
4/29/2006 12:02:53 PM
Hello Marilyn, Big Smiles here too. God love the children. Wonderful Story. Love,
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Re: Nothing But The Truth
5/20/2006 2:32:35 AM
HI Deborah, That was so cute, right? I loved this. Kids are so darn cute and funny and they can come up with some of the darndest things to say! Yes, kids are perfect. You're welcome, I am glad that you enjoyed the post. God Bless, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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