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What makes you attractive?
4/25/2006 1:30:48 AM
Hello my friends, please let me hear your input on this please.kathy What makes you attractive? * Would you want a motivated or an unmotivated sponsor? * Would you want a positive or a negative sponsor? * Would you join a sponsor who made negative comments about others? * Would you join a sponsor who complained about the company? * Would you join a sponsor who tried to convince you that every company in our industry is bad except one? * Would you join a sponsor who talked badly about people? It's easy to see why some sponsors do well and why some struggle. Prospects don't want to join a sponsor who criticizes and complains about others. The prospects see this sponsor as having low self-esteem and a low self-image.
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Re: What makes you attractive?
4/25/2006 1:47:41 AM
What makes a Good Sponsor is many things, and not just their ability to Recruit New Members, or Prospects...a Good Sponsor needs to be a Teacher or have the ability to train and also to show their downline members how to Duplicate what is needed to Build their Business...Now, I can go on for Hours, and Days so I will just say this, If your Sponsor isn't willing to spend time with You , and isn't there for You when you need him or her, then they are not a good Sponsor...a Sponsor should be a positive, and not a person who talks badly about his or her Opportunity, and when they try to recruit others, and after they do, they constantly complain how badly they are treated, and feel that their Opportunity Owes them something...You have to Build, and Earn Your Money in Network Marketing, and I have been Network Marketing and Direct Marketing for over 12 Yrs, and there will always be those who have their Own Ideas about Marketing, and also those who Claim to Be Seasoned Marketers, but will Only speak to people who can recruit hundreds and thousands of new members into Programs...But , if You are a True Network Marketer, you have a Great List, and a good Attitude towards your downline members and their ability to recruit, and even if they cannot, they should be willing to Teach what they learned through their Own yrs of Experience, not just work with those who feel they are better then anyone else or everyone else, Like a Few people I have Met lately...That I will not comment anymore on, because it's a really sore subject with myself and many others...Folks, just remember , a good attitude, and a positive outlook on your Opportunity, will get you everywhere, but a bad attitude and being negative towards your downline, can kill your Business..and it will...take care everyone, and God Bless, Ron
Ron Brown / Global Verge Intl. Diamond Member / Join Us Today
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Re: What makes you attractive?
4/25/2006 6:31:34 AM
Hi Kathy! Please allow me to post an article I wrote several years ago, that I think, fits in this discussion. Sponsorship... What Does That Mean?

What does it mean when you sponsor someone in something? If you think that to sponsor is to introduce then you are only half-right. Actually, sponsoring someone into anything, whether it be Little League or a Lifetime Business, assumes a high level of responsibility. This person has agreed to follow your lead, and do what you do. You have the responsibility to lead them in the right direction. You are not only introducing a person to a group, but you are taking them under your wing, not by the hand, and agreeing to teach them something they don't know.

You don't have control over someone else's capability to learn, therefore, you are not responsible for whether or not they learn it, but you required to provide them the information they need to know to succeed.

Here is an example of what I am talking about:

My husband and our 13 year-old son, Jeri, are both karate students. Their Sensei (instructor) shares their goal of seeing them earn their black belts. Jeff and Jeri both have agreed to follow his instruction.

Sensei works very hard, right along side them, teaching them everything they need to know in order to achieve that goal. When they are successful, Sensei will have succeeded as well, for he has fulfilled his obligation to them.

The same philosophy works in business. When I enroll someone into my business, I am responsible for teaching them all that I know which has brought me to the place that they want to be. I strive to help them achieve their black belts in business.

If you want your business to be successful, then you must train your members to be successful people. Show them how you do what you do.

Duplication is the word of the day! Why reinvent the wheel? But, that is what new members are going to do if you don't show them how to do it right the first time.

What happens when you get a member that isn't doing well in the business, any business? They quit. No bones about it, they will quit on you if you don't train them to do the job right. After all, who needs the frustration and disappointment?

True leaders will build leaders not followers, and they certainly do not just collect members.

Turn over is bad business; retention is money in the bank. Why? Because retention leads to growth.

Now, for those of you out there that expect someone to build a business for you... stop wasting the time of the professionals trying to work with you. No one will build a business for you. Why should they? Do you earn money if you don't go to work at your job? Of course not. And you won't earn money online either, if you don't put in your time.

Your sponsor is supposed to teach you, mentor you, but not do the work for you. That would be like copying your best friend's homework all year and then they move to a new school right before the exam. You still don't know squat, only now, everyone around you knows it and your credibility is in the proverbial toilet. You have successfully wasted the time of everyone involved, and you've cheated yourself out of something potentially great.

Your sponsor is giving you the benefit of their experience. Take it. They have already been through the trenches and are willing to show you how to skip that part, but they are not going to carry you. If you want to be carried you should quit now and save yourself the frustration you will feel when you are left behind.

You can not build a business by being carried.

To make money on the Internet, just like in the real world, takes time, dedication, education, and stamina. If you don't have all of those things, back slowly away from your computer and get ready for your day job, the time clock is calling you.

You don't think that I got to where I am today over night, do you? It has taken me 5 years of hard work and self-education to earn a living online. No one earning a living online has gotten to where they are in a heartbeat. I don't care what they tell you.

Learn from the experience of your mentors, but don't take advantage of them, or be irate with them if your own inactivity doesn't have you following them to the bank. They know how to get there, and they may even drive you, but you have to chip in for the gas.

To learn more about my Lifetime Business please visit: FreeLife International

Copyright © 2003
Trina L.C. Schiller
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: What makes you attractive?
4/25/2006 8:31:51 AM
Hi Thanks for the invite Kathy, to answer your question! I would not stick around with a negative sponsor. And that includes anything else too! Their's to much negativity in this world no need to be around anyone that is, specially biz !!! Have a great day! Warm Regards
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Re: What makes you attractive?
4/25/2006 11:39:51 AM
Hi Kathy Martin, (Ron B., Trina, Florence) The way I see things, you have all told it like it is. There are not very many big tricks of the trade. This past year, after three years of being "off-line" I missed it, and came back on. I've been using literally about 99% free ads. (small classifieds in your local newspaper work well too though.) After about four months of heavy advertising, your good honest hard work begins to show positive results. 80%+ of your downline (pay structure), if your program of choice requires others to join you, will probably never do anything. It's just a simple fact. So many newcomers are really convinced that you will be buying a mansion and a yacht this time next month, if you will only buy into their bogus programs. It's more than a little sad. Thank you for some sound and honest input to Kathy's forum above. Ron S.
Ron Stouder

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