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Jill Bachman

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Re: A Poet For Money Scammer - Special Dedication
4/25/2006 1:21:00 PM
I love it! Absolutely OUTSTANDING! You are the best :-) Jill
Re: A Poet For Money Scammer - Special Dedication
4/25/2006 5:46:22 PM
Hey Mike a truly Msterpiece! Ilias Personal Development Student
Nan Herring

3059 Posts
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Re: A Poet For Money Scammer - Special Dedication
4/27/2006 12:14:09 AM
hi, you have a wonderful poem here. it will be re done on my petry blog in a few minutes. the url is everyone is invied to come comment to Marzlan. see you there. nan
I scored! My Poem Scored!
5/6/2006 9:25:27 AM
Moment after I'd written the poem, I submitted it to one of the best poetry website on the net today. And you know what? I scored! 302 out of possible 400 and judged by 3 amatuer judges in multiple categories. Here's what the site owner posted to me:- Dear Marzlan, Congratulations. Your poem, "A POET FOR MONEY SCAMMERS - SPECIAL DEDICATION", was selected in our new International Online Poetry Competition to be published to our website at Your poem was reviewed and rated in multiple categories by 3 of our amateur judges. You can activate your poem and view your scores by clicking on the following link: As the author of a selected poem, you have granted your permission to publish your poem on our website by submitting it to our online competition. The PoemID that we have assigned to your poem is 98917. You can use this ID in any future correspondence that you have with us regarding your selected poem. We want to thank you again for participating in our International Competition. We appreciate that you are sharing your writings with us and our online readership. Sincerely, Jeff Humphrey Contest Director Voicesnet - Voices Network To all friends who commented my poem, here's the site with your Name/Website on it

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