WHICH of your Websites Dee? I'd love to look the graphics you've done.
I cant give any advice on the question of comissions or portfolios - it is bound to be different here in Europe. Here exhibitions are the most popular way a becoming known. I, personally, love comissions
By the way - the disability allowance is just as bad here in Spain. They like to renew everything every few years too.. and I suspect they LOVE their paperwork. Here they think that we are all faking it (you know - the "Hey guys, it's time for my 3 year revision - they want to see if my leg has grown back" sort of thing. - you have to laugh or cry! And if this brings protests from one hundred and fifty government workers - I can only ask them what they are doing on the internet when they are meant to be working!
I hope someone comes up with something more helpful than this.
Best Wishes