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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Our Queen is 80
4/21/2006 5:49:29 PM
Hi Craftie, Thanks for posting this! I wish a very Happy Birthday to your Queen! I have the upmost respect for England and for the British military. Another Very Grateful US Citizen.
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Michael Caron

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Re: Our Queen is 80
4/21/2006 11:06:05 PM
Hi Linda, This was remarkable. It is so nice to know someone who is so proud of their heritage. It takes great pride to know that much. I was startled a few years back when I believe it was the Queens Sister had passed away. Shirley's birthday was coming up and among other people, I invited one of my nephews to her party. During the celebration he had said that he wouldn't be able to stay that long as he had to fly to England the following morning. He often made trips to both England and Canada. I asked if it was a business trip. He explained that he was chosen as one of the Paul Bearers for the Funeral. I thought he was joking but his wife insisted that it was no joke. I don't know to this day if he realizes what an honor was bestowed on him. For your knowledge of your Queen, I do hope that you receive recognition as you have shown Great Pride in your Country. God Bless You Mike
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Thea Westra

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Re: Our Queen is 80
4/22/2006 9:07:49 AM
Phew! She is one busy lady. To be greatly admired and respected. You can all send an 80th birthday greeting to Her Majesty at this link:
Linda Harvey

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Re: Our Queen is 80
4/23/2006 2:21:10 AM
Wow she has been a busy WOMAN! Linda ;-)
Jo Matthias

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Re: Our Queen is 80
4/23/2006 8:18:52 PM
Hello Linda, What a wonderful tribute to one of the greatest women in history. Thank you for sharing. Take care, Jo
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