
Sarah Pritchard

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Scavenger Hunt Challenge! Are You Up For It?
4/10/2024 5:08:55 PM
scavenger hunt challenge

You are Invited to the

Scavenger Hunt Challenge!

What is the Scavenger Hunt Challenge?

It's a free 5-day challenge where you'll learn exactly how to gamify your educational resources by creating an engaging student-led activity for your students in a classroom setting, your Teachers Pay Teachers shop, your own online shop, etc. (we're talking mystery words and secret codes).

Daily tutorials will be delivered straight to your inbox each morning of the challenge.


April 18th-22nd (Don't worry if you're busy those days → the videos will be available until May 1st).

It’s a self-paced challenge, so you can dive in when you’re ready. You also have the option to upgrade to the ALL ACCESS pass so you can dive in right away without having to wait for the daily videos to be released (and get a done-for-you template!).


This is a virtual event - all you need is a computer! You will be able to share your creations and questions inside an exclusive Facebook group, that you'll be invited to once you register. (PLUS → You can win a $50 Target gift card!)


This challenge is for Social Studies, Science, English or Language Arts teachers or TPT sellers in grades 3-12.

Changing the complexity of the activity to meet the needs of your students is EASY!

Ideally, the challenge is for teachers or teacherpreneurs looking to refresh their shop or classroom by cloaking the learning with a twist of fun.

Lisa knows you're busy, so she's keeping the daily tutorials short, around 20 minutes each day.



I'm not tech savvy or creative, will this still work for me?

Yes! Creativity is built in for you! You DO have what it takes, you CAN do this, you ARE creative enough and Lisa will be there with you every step of the way. No one gets left behind.

With simple, over-the-shoulder instructions, this scavenger hunt activity is actually EASY (and FUN) to create, even if you’re not tech savvy!

What platform do you use to create the scavenger hunt?

The daily tutorials will walk you through the process of creating a scavenger hunt in PowerPoint.

You may use a different design platform such as Canva or Google Docs but the “formatting” of the pages will be different (though the concept will remain the same).

I prefer not to start from scratch. Do you have a template?

YES! If you don’t think you have the time right now to fully commit to the free challenge, it totally defeats the purpose of trying to watch the daily video tutorials before they expire, right?

That’s where the handy ALL ACCESS upgrade comes in!

Give yourself the time you need (and deserve) to work at your own pace with no deadlines to meet – PLUS get the PowerPoint template already DONE-FOR-YOU!

After having gone through other challenges and training with Lisa, I know that she knows what she is talking about, both as a teacher and teacherpreneur. I have already signed up for the challenge, and am looking forward to it.

Even if you are not a teacher, you can make money, selling educational printables! Will you join me?

-> Register for the FREE challenge HERE!

-> Short on time? Grab the All Access Pass HERE!

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