🚨 Ever Have Clients BackSlide? The In-Demand Coaching Skill You've Overlooked!🙄 What your clients are missing in your coaching sessions? 🙄 Have you ever had a female client have a breakthrough… only to return the next time you meet with the same challenges? - They’re back to eating foods that harm them.
- They’re sabotaging their sleep again.
- They’re not following the action steps that you both know they need to take.
🙋‍♀️ Not only does this keep your client stuck, but it eats away at your own confidence levels – which can keep you undercharging, overworking, and not reaching your own potential. If you relate to any of this, I want to invite you to a free 3-part training that’s going to show you how to clear this backsliding up, for good. Learn More>>>