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Kathy Hamilton

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We are looking for more signatures please!! Pass this on to your friends
4/15/2006 1:49:24 PM
Heres the update on our stopping child abuse, Thanks everyone, it goes to say, we will be heard one voice at a time. We endorse the UVACA: United Voice Against Child Abuse. Petition to Global Authorities On Child Abuse.. Read the UVACA: United Voice Against Child Abuse. Petition Use the Reload button in your web browser to see new signatures Name Comments 35. Sandra Ketchum I hope you get a lot of signatures. 34. robin young 33. SCOTT MCVEY THIS IS A GOOD THING, HELP THE KIDS ! ***** FIRE YOUR BOSS **** 32. Melody Ellis 31. Marianne McEachern 30. Bryan McHeyzer 29. sam sugden child abuse must be stopped 28. Lennart Martell Make a better world,for our children. 27. Marilyn L. Ali Proud Member Of UVACA 26. Leon Horton 25. Pam Allison 24. Julie Thomsen I am a survivor of physical, mental, and sexual abuse by my stepmother...child abuse has to stop! 23. Elizabeth A Gough I Stand United with UVACA as a Voice Against Child Abuse. 22. terry white 21. Georgios Paraskevopoulos Child Abuse is appearing more and more in TV. There should be harder laws against that 20. Bruce Symons 19. Curtis Hunter 18. bill henry send to everyone on your mailing list 17. Susan Dorey 16. Mike King I am the CEO/Founder of UVACA: United Voice Against Child Abuse. And as a team we are going to bring an end to the abuse of our Global Children. 15. Cathy Hall Member of UVACA, New Zealand 14. Mary Mortimer Member of UVACA 13. Louis Pominville A firm believer in UVACA. 12. Robert Coaster Member Of The UVACA! 11. Cindy White 10. Sandra Kaspar We are supposed to protect our children not hurt them. 9. Phyllis Smith 8. John Stowell Lets hope we can help towards cutting child abuse down at least. 7. Will Egbert Child abuse laws need to be tougher. 6. Karen Earll Our children are our future. Protect them. 5. Rose Enderud 4. Christy Egbert I feel that child abuse laws for children born and unborn (children that die in the womb due to abuse of the mother or suffer due to the mother abusing drugs) need to be much stronger. If you abuse a child you deserve to be in jail. Not for just a night or two for a long time. I don't think that people who sexually abuse children should be albe to plea out for little or no time either. 3. Jackie Pickels Did not endure child abuse myself, but am definately against it 2. Elizabeth Klose 1. Juliana Bond I am the PA/PR of UVACA and I Urge Everyone to sign this petition and have their voice heard. We endorse the UVACA: United Voice Against Child Abuse. Petition to Global Authorities On Child Abuse.. Read the UVACA: United Voice Against Child Abuse. Petition Use the Reload button in your web browser to see new signatures Name Comments 85. Judy Smith 84. David Galich Let the Voices be heard! 83. Ulysses McDowell Jr. 82. Steve Maugherman Good Work 81. Steve Maugherman Good Work 80. Louis Dye 79. James Kinney I was an abused child. 78. Patricia Doyle 77. Donna O'Brien 76. Lorraine Lake 75. Oksana Silchenko 74. Sweetgrame We must stop this Child Abuse Now! 73. Helen Wilson lets put an end to this horrible crime against our children 72. Nan Herring 71. Brian Louden 70. Patricia I pledge to do my part to stop child abuse. 69. kathleen Martin God bless our families, guide them and walk by faith not by sight 68. Bonnie Dale 67. James Maxwel You Guys Are Doing Such A Great Job! Thanks. 66. Joyce Hyde 65. Steve Sloan 64. Michael Derowin We have to look after our children as they are the future. Child abuse has to be stopped 63. Ron G. Stouder impeach every judge, such as judge connor of ohio. very recent case of serial child rape. (3 or 4 years running.) adult offender got 60 days jail time. then probation. 62. Deborah Skovron 61. Mairead ni Maonaigh Member of UVACA 60. Paul Davey 59. S. Adam Gilman 58. David Kenyon 57. Robert L. Watson, Sr. 56. Bill Slagle 55. Angela Vessels 54. Jerome Pfeifer Sr Worldwide Child Endangerment Should be Stamped out completely! 53. Donna Sweasey 52. Judy Mason 51. Victor Sharp 50. Linda Maw 49. Daniel Chapman May the Lord give You All a Hand! 48. Steve Bates It may not seem much signing a petition but if nobody does anything thats what will happen nothing. It only takes a few seconds and is one of the best causes I have seen, put yourself in the childs place!! 47. Carmen Smith 46. Pete Stafford 45. Lori Sinclair 44. Judy Woodson 43. Arthur Webster Maybe the term 'child abuse' should also be associated with the gross over- or miss- feeding of children and acceptance of little exercise by them which is causing many young children to be very unhealthy and fat. This too is abuse. A child should be fit enough to play and, if necessary, run away. 42. Allan Barker 41. Thomas Sparrow Report ALL child abuse and be more vigilant! 40. kevin storey 39. Valerie R. Clavin My neice was sexually assualted as a 2 year old, her dad got away with it because she couldn't testify. There was physical evidence!All child abuse must be STOPPED!! 38. Sandra Hicks The world is a bad enough place for kids to grow up in today. They do not need the added burden of abuse at home. 37. pauline Children are Gods gift to us !! PROTECT THEM DO NOT DESTROY THEM !! 36. Romuald Skribins 35. Sandra Ketchum I hope you get a lot of signatures. here is the link to sign our petition
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Ron Stouder

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Re: We are looking for more signatures please!! Pass this on to your friends
4/15/2006 3:12:54 PM
Hi Kathy Martin, Keep the pedal to the metal baby. Ron S.
Ron Stouder
Nan Herring

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Re: We are looking for more signatures please!! Pass this on to your friends
4/15/2006 3:15:07 PM
Everyone please sign this.
Deborah Skovron

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Re: We are looking for more signatures please!! Pass this on to your friends
4/15/2006 3:58:04 PM
Hi Kathy, You are doing an outstanding job. Keep up the good work. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Barbara Delgiudice

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Re: We are looking for more signatures please!! Pass this on to your friends
4/15/2006 4:26:44 PM
HI Kathy I already signed the petition and sent it on to my friends and family. Happy Easter :) Hugs Barbara