Thanks for visiting everybody! Thank you Georgios for posting my site to your forum list.
Georgios also has 2 other great forums if all of you would like to also join his...
Celebrations - Birthdays - Name Origins:
Genesis - Zeuxis - Business:
I have another forum, Funny or Weird Parent Stories, I stopped posting for awhile because my mother burned her hand while cooking a few weeks ago and my parents didn't tell anyone about it for a week. That's not funny, but they are still weird in not telling people things, but then again my sisters and brothers and I don't tell everything that happens at our houses either!
What was weirdest about it was, it happened March 17th, St. Patrick's Day, and my mom was cooking corned beef and cabbage, and when she told us later she said she's never cooking that again because she burned her hand while making it. Of course, blame the meal!