
Jill Bachman

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Re: When one door closes another door opens...
4/10/2006 12:11:33 PM
Sooooooo true, and thank you for the great reminder :-) Your friend, Jill
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Re: When one door closes another door opens...
4/10/2006 5:57:56 PM
Bogdan, You are so right about new doors opening, but will they be the right one? I have found that many times a person is so eager to go through the new door they don't take the time to examine what is behind the new door, and they wind up jumping from the frying pan into the fire!
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Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: When one door closes another door opens...
4/10/2006 10:50:19 PM
Hello Bogdan, thanks for the invite and another awesome true Quote.I am alway's trying to follow this one mate but wow so many doors to close. I am so busy trying to finish one off another opens keeping me just as busy as the first,sometimes I feel that this just keeps revolving time after time until we get in tune to it ,succeed and move on to a dozen more. Have a wonderful week Bogdan & everyone. regards jeffrey OBrien
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Re: When one door closes another door opens...
4/13/2006 10:59:24 PM
HI Bogdan, Thanks so much for today's quote, it is another very good one! I will have to agree with Mr Bell...sometimes people do miss out on things because they are not paying attention when they should be! Thanks for sharing. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter together, filled with lots of love and happiness. God Bless, Marilyn
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