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Linda Miller

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Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages – For Free
4/9/2006 10:40:04 PM
Hello friends, I'm just finding all kinds of great stuff today! Hope you enjoy this article too. Fascinating! Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages – For Free The U.S. Government banned them on TV and radio in 1974. They were once famously used to boost sales of popcorn by almost 60%. And today, they’re the subject of numerous Derren Brown-style “mind” shows airing throughout the globe. I’m talking, of course, about subliminal messages. However despite all the media hype, subliminal messages aren’t just used by advertising moguls trying to get us to buy another can of coke. They can also be employed to make serious and lasting change in our own lives. In this short article, I’m going to share a method you can use to get subliminal messages working for you—starting tonight! But before we begin, let’s ask ourselves: what exactly are subliminal messages? Subliminal is defined as “below the threshold of consciousness”. Subliminal messaging refers to the act of sending messages direct to the powerful subconscious mind, the part of your brain that controls everything from memory to body temperature to providing your conscious mind with its core traits. The most famous experiment in subliminal messaging history was conducted by pioneer Dr James Vicary, who flashed the words “I want popcorn” and “Drink more coke” in front of a movie audience for just 100-milliseconds. Nobody officially “saw” the messages—they were below the threshold of consciousness—yet popcorn sales shot up 57.8% and coke sales increased 18.1%. The U.S. Government soon outlawed this powerful suggestion technique in advertising, yet its potential as a revolutionary self-help tool was soon realized. The power to send self-improvement commands direct to the subconscious mind was suddenly available to the masses. But how? There are two primary ways you can actually “send” subliminal messages. Visually, such as using the latest Subliminal Power software program - - to flash messages around your computer screen as you work. Yet if your budget is low, there’s an even cheaper way to begin putting the power of subliminal messaging to work for you! Here’s how. Begin by identifying a couple of core goals you’d like to concentrate on in your life right now. For example, you may wish to learn faster or quit smoking. Then, write that goal down as a simple, short, positive affirmation. For example, “I am a quick learner” or “I am ready to quit smoking”. Other examples include “I invest wisely”, “My reading speed increases every day”, or “I am now more confident”. Be careful: do not use negative terms, such as “Not” or “Don’t” in your message. The subconscious does not understand such words in context and would read “I don’t gain weight” as “I gain weight”. You have been warned. Now write your affirmation, clearly and in thick black marker pen, onto a sheet of white cardboard. Create three-or-so cards, each with affirmations focusing on your core theme, and store them next to your bed with a flashlight. Next comes the unsociable part! We’re going to catch your mind in a highly receptive state, by waking it up in the middle of the night, when the door to your subconscious is wide open. Set your alarm clock for 3am, then go to sleep as normal. As soon as you hear the ring, turn off the alarm and—almost instinctively—pick up the affirmation cards and your flashlight. The room should be pitch black. Next, flick the flashlight on and off very quickly a dozen times over each affirmation card. While doing this, stare at the cards. Do not consciously try to make out the words. These subliminal messages are for the subconscious. When you’re done, simply turn off the flashlight, put down the cards and return to sleep. It will take just two minutes of your time and I guarantee you’ll fall straight back into deep and restful slumber. That’s it: you’ve just “sent” a bundle of subliminal messages straight to your subconscious. What follows is exciting! After the first few nights of using this technique, most individuals report problem-solving dreams that assist in their goals or influence their decisions. Just a week later and practically all participants note a serious movement toward their core goal. Their leaning speed improves dramatically. Their nicotine addiction is cut in half. As the change comes from within, it isn’t always obvious. Yet a few weeks down the line, most individuals sit back and realize just how far they’ve progressed without consciously realizing it. Soon, your goals have been achieved... the messages worked. When ready, you can move onto your next set of goals by simply writing out a new set of affirmation cards. It’s a very simple system, yet remains highly powerful and terribly underused. Most people reading this article won’t try this straightforward experiment. Maybe they just don’t believe it will work, or maybe they view it as being altogether too much hassle. It’s inconvenient, certainly—perhaps not as user-friendly as a piece of modern subliminal software. But you think it doesn’t work? Then try it for a week, and see for yourself. Tiger Woods, Steven Speilberg, New Scientist magazine, even the U.S. Government all know the power behind subliminal messaging. And if you don’t, maybe it’s about time you caught up. Copyright Bradley Thompson 2004 Bradley Thompson is a well-known mind guru and commissioner of the critically-acclaimed Subliminal Power software at as used by Olympic athlete winners. You may also learn how you create your own Subliminal CDs at home at (for re-sale if you so desire).
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages – For Free
4/9/2006 11:05:30 PM
Hi, Linda_ Fascinating is the right word, and I am intending to take the time and make the effort to try it out. Any method for accessing my subconscious is worth investigating. To quote inexactly Albert Einstein: Our intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a servant. We live in a society that glorifies the servant and neglects the gift. Thank you so much for sharing this article. Izabel p.s. Your invitation to participate in your other threads includes a broken link - it took me back to my own inbox, twice. Where then is the Monday Post your Opportunity Forum?
Linda Miller

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Re: Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages – For Free
4/10/2006 12:02:59 AM
Hi Izabel, Wow, I love that Albert Einstein quote... so profound and so powerful to know. I'm sorry, Izabel, I don't know why the forum link I provided did not work. I don't get a copy of it, so I can't see what I sent. It was supposted to the link to this Spiritual Entrepreneur Today forum. Can you send me a private message if it was something different? Thanks - and thanks for finding your way here anway!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages – For Free
4/10/2006 11:23:23 AM
Hi Linda, Thanks, it does work! Regards, - Join a company with a 98% success rate ADHD or starting memory loss or dementia? -
Arthur Webster

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Re: Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages – For Free
4/10/2006 2:25:35 PM
Hi, Linda, A simple idea and so effective. I use it a lot to aid my memory. Regards

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