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Re: Adlanders show us your online-Business !
9/18/2006 11:03:49 AM
Hello Minkailu, Thank you for this opportunity to help spread the word. If anyone has an interest in the lottery then you may appreciate knowing that a group of professional marketers, headed by Lawrence R. Wilson, has formed a limited membership team. Throughout the last 20 years, Lawrence has been involved with several online opportunities and is considered by many to be a marketing genius. He has now turned his full and undivided attention to using the first ever, 100% legal, global lottery as his team's vehicle towards obtaining wealth. The team's goal is to use this exciting new lottery opportunity to help all of its members to finally start earning an income. I don't just mean a nickels and dimes income, but rather, a serious life changing, residual income beginning within 8-10 weeks from the day one joins. He has a system in place to do just that and the numbers prove out. If you would care to know more about this, then please take time now, or as soon as possible, to listen to a two minute, prerecorded, telephone message. If you can, please dial: 641-985-5999 - pin 16720#. Alternatively, you can use the link just below to hear a prerecorded, eight minute, telephone presentation. You may need to copy and paste it into your browser. Either way, there is no obligation on your part, no pressure and no hype. After listening, if you think you would like to join with us, or if you simply have some questions, please call me or my sponsor, (who is truly a wonderful person), Margaret Ferguson. Perhaps some of you old timers here at AdlnadPro remember her? Also, you can email me with your phone number, or your yahoo messenger or skype address, and we'll contact you. Please include what time of day is best for you, and your time zone. Rest assured you will just be given the facts and there will be no arm twisting tactics what-so-ever. Douglas Sutter 321-453-2386 EST Margaret Ferguson 406-295-6057 MT Joining our team will in no way take away from what you are doing. In fact over time, because you are a member, your current business may benefit from your development of new business relationships. Thanks again! Douglas
Re: Adlanders show us your online-Business !
9/18/2006 11:08:09 AM

Hi Minkailu.


Thanks once again for the chance to show the Adlandpro community what we have to offer. As we have a number of programs & stores, it may be easier to just give you the link to our business website.

To all who visit, please click on the 'Our new life in Oregon' page. It has no programs or buisnesses on it, just how we are getting on in Oregon, pic's & recipe's. This will be added to as we explore & find new places to see & things to do inour new home by the mighty Pacific in Southern Oregon.


Your Security Friend in Oregon.

Bea Souza

1316 Posts
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Re: Adlanders show us your online-Business !
9/18/2006 11:15:39 AM

Hi Minkailu,

Thanks for the invite.  Your friend.

All Occasion Gift Ideas      Increase Your Exposure

Re: Adlanders show us your online-Business !
9/18/2006 11:16:17 AM

Need More Income? We need you!

We need reps in the USA. Commission sliding scale of Non-lethal self defense weapons. Most cities don't have a store for these items! Call or email now. Get a few catalogs & you're good to go!

I have a house for sale. Please take a look and tell your Florida-bound friends. I will pay the person who refers a qualified buyer. Thanks, Joan
Steve Baric

195 Posts
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Re: Adlanders show us your online-Business !
9/18/2006 11:20:39 AM
2 new features just launched:

Hot new networking site. Get free business info, forums, messaging, chat...everything you need to build business projects from the ground up. Find partners and joint ventures, or start up a community project. FREE membership.

Our affiliated serial fiction site. Check out the forum for more information:

we're looking for writers let's talk :)

Steve Baric

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