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Craftie Linda

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Easter Riddles
4/8/2006 12:49:52 PM
Q. Why was the Easter Bunny so upset? A. He was having a bad hare day! Q. How does the Easter bunny keep his fur neat? A. With a hare-brush! Q. What kind of books do rabbits like? A. Ones with hoppy endings! Q. What do you call a dumb bunny? A. A hare-brain! Q. Why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg a good joke? A. It might crack up! Q. Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? A. Because the powder puff is on the other end! Q. How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself? A. With a hare dryer! Q. How does a rabbit keep his fur looking good? A. With hare spray! Q. What did the rabbits do after their wedding? A. They went on a bunnymoon! Q. What did one colored egg say to the other? A. "Heard any good yolks lately?" Q. What's yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees? A. The Easter Bunana! Q. How do you catch the Easter Bunny? A. Hide in the bushes and make a noise like a carrot! Q. How do you make a rabbit stew? A. Make it wait for 3 hours! Q. How many chocolate bunnies can you put into an empty Easter basket? A. Only one- after that, it's not empty! Q. A man wanted an Easter pet for his daughter. He looked at a baby chick and a baby duck. They were both very cute, but he decided to buy the baby chick. Do you know why? A. The baby chick was a little cheeper! (cheaper) Q. Why did the Easter egg hide? A. He was a little chicken! Q. What's a rabbit's favorite dance? A. The bunny hop! Q. What do you call a rabbit that tells good jokes? A. A funny bunny!
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Easter Riddles
4/8/2006 12:56:28 PM
Hello Linda, Yes very cute, love ya,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Ron Stouder

277 Posts
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Re: Easter Riddles
4/8/2006 1:15:41 PM
Hi again, we seem to be on the same wave length. Keep smilin'. Ron S.
Ron Stouder
John Rivera

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Re: Easter Riddles
4/8/2006 1:38:19 PM
Hi Crafty Linda :) Love them, I printed them out to hand to kids at the local school. Thanks for sharing this..they're great! ---------------------------------------------- Place a FREE AD on me: Get TONS of Traffic with this FREEBIE:
Louis Pominville

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Re: Easter Riddles
4/8/2006 2:07:11 PM
Hey Linda, Very cute, I printed it also to hand out. Thanks for sharing. Question: When I print, for example when it is very long, like the one 'A man wanted an Easter pet...' my printer misses the last couple of words, is there a trick to get it all?? Your firend, Louis Your French Canadian connection,cgi/1850/

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