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Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/7/2006 11:11:32 PM
Oh my lovely Myrna, You are so special to Luella and myself too, you are a wonderful treasure, and we just love your inspirational stories for Myrna's Parlor, which I haven't managed to update yet as I've been so busy, but I promise by easter your lovely new stories will be there for all to enjoy. Thank you for your continued love and support. Love and Peace John
Holly Goodyer

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Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/7/2006 11:17:20 PM
Congratualations John, This is such a well deserved honour for you. I am proud that you are one of my friends, and if I don't communicate as often as I should, please forgive me. I feel blessed that our paths have crossed and wish you every happiness and enjoy your week . I really enjoyed your story and its such a beautiful one. Many Blessings Holly
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/7/2006 11:20:35 PM
Hi Georgios, Welcome my mediteranean friend. Thank you for your support and kind words. Luella's always spoken very highly of your birthday forum's and I know your Name Origins is popular too. Keep up the good work. Love and Peace John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/7/2006 11:31:18 PM
Hi Bill, You are most kind Bill, your articles are no doubt well received. Both Luella and Myself are very proud to have you on The Corner 4 Women and look forward to many more of your wonderful writings, you are a valued Team member my friend as we continue to build our wonderful sactuary. Although initially and our primary objectives are aimed at women, and women's issues. Many men are finding comfort in our many inspirational articles by our talented writers. So keep up the good work Bill, and I look forward to your next contribution. Peace and Love John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/7/2006 11:49:47 PM
Hi Cheri, I tend not to broadcast any help I've given as usually it is all quite private. I know I'm the Agony Uncle for The Corner 4 Women, but not much actually gets published onsite, as I respect the privacy of others. Any help I offer is not limited to normal Agony Uncle issues as I'll usually help anyone with any problem if I can. There is still much yet to be told as regards my life's story, some sad, some quite amusing, and some maybe inspirational, all will slowly be revealed as time dictates. Is it not a Christianised way to smile in the face of adversity. My deep fundermental beliefs are of similar values. The past can only hurt if you let it, and I always believe there is always people going through far worse than I and surviving. I look to the future for guidence and don't dwell on my past. Writing and my present work is my great release, into which I pour my heart and soul. Thank you for everything Cheri. Love and Peace John

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