Since I:
A. Have been in and out of MLM for OVER 35 years.
B. Have studied and reaseached it.
C.Know people who have earned Millions doing it.
D. Had a downline in excess of 1,200 (which is not much)
E. Have known many mlm leaders and "gurus"
F. Have the single most knowledgeable person there is in mlm as a friend. (Len Clements)
Now in spite of my very extensive knowledge of mlm, I am NOT good at it and I do not claim to be.
I DO NOT SUFFER FOOLS or those who question my
integrity. Nor do I contact a sufficent number of people or do the other things needed to succeed in it.
My failure in MLM is MY fault. It is not the fault of the industry, the company or the pay plan.
All that said, I disgaree with the figures you are using as a 3% success rate is low as is the figure of $300.
People who really want to know about MLM should read Len's book, "Inside
Network Marketing" (the 2nd edition.)