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Verna ZdarskiKeeble

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Re: The Best Day Of My Life
4/5/2006 8:52:20 AM
Dear Linda, Welcome back, sure is good to have you back with us at Adland. AMEN to the everyday things of life we can be very thankful to our heavenly father in heaven for. A total trust of faith in him, when we ask, when we are ready to have all he has instore for us, GOd will provide. That's the way I beleive. ______ Guest Login ID: 805471 Sincerely, Verna ZK.
Re: The Best Day Of My Life
4/5/2006 12:24:33 PM
Hello: I, today, really needed to see this message. I have been sick for about a week with an awful head cold and feeling low. As I lay in bed yesterday, I asked God to give me back my strength and my health. I have work to do - people to help and just so much living yet to do. I will make today the best day of my life - let go of the worry and just be grateful for all the goodness in my life. Thanks! Elaine.
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: The Best Day Of My Life
4/14/2006 1:00:05 AM
HI Linda, Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful and inspiring piece of work with us! What a great message of hope and brought tears to my eyes because I wish that everyone could live and think in this way! I promote mental and emotional well being along with Positive Thinking, and this is just great! Thanks again for sharing this with everyone. I am going to print this out to share with those that need to be inspired! God Bless You, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: The Best Day Of My Life
4/14/2006 9:54:45 PM
Hi Linda, That was beautiful, thanks for sharing. I like to listen to a butterflies wings. Your Friend Deborah
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