Hello Friends of ROMANIA :-)
I was to post something new in this forum, but thinking about the proper topic - DANUBE DELTA - or similar seemed to be the best; its Summer and Vacations time so why not lets make a tour around again... now with more color and better visual features.
Everybody knows that Danube is one of the biggest rivers in Europe, bathing almost half of the continent; but few know where this huge amount of
water chooses to become mysterious, hidden, meandering: the Danube Delta
from Romania.

This ever changing realm is the newest land in Europe.
Landscapes metamorphose every season, the water cuts and shapes the banks
like an impressionist artist. Three channels find their way into the salty
waters of the Black Sea, but only after they have embroidered 5000 square km
of marshy land. Sand banks, large ponds, numerous rush bushes, sand dunes,
forests, canals shadowed by old willows - this is the kaleidoscope of the
original landscape which the Danube Delta offers. People of the delta know
only the way of the water; everything happens on the clear surface of this
primordial element: commerce, transportation, even visits to the neighbors.
 - Kids having fun -
 - Fishermen -
Charmed by this natural and cultural diversity you will not know what to
admire fist: the rush waving when the wind is blowing, the variety of birds
and vegetation or the fishermen's villages spread along the channels. And as
a final coup de grace, the newness of the Delta creates an astonishing
contrast: here sites the Basilica of Niculitel, which represents the first
Christian testimony in Europe and probably in the world. The first martyrs
of Christianity (Attalos, Kamasis, Phillipos, Zottikos) are berried here.

Thus, the newest and the oldest come
together to show you how man and nature can still harmoniously interact.
Well, this place is so rich in every thing that its difficult to decide which way to go :-) I would be more than thankful to you if you'd help me which way to go.
Maybe this time it would be better to let some images speak for me and ... what about some ... BIRD WATCH next time?! :-) what do you say?!
Here we go; its going to be a bit long but it worth it believe me:
 Common pelican in the delta
 Lotus on the water
 Very old oak at Letea
 Sontea Channel in the Danube Delta
 Small lake
 Airborne pelican
 The upper Danube Delta
 Flowers on the water
 Flooded village
 Flooded pasture
 Hyla Arborea in the Danube Delta
 Boat on channels
 A fishery
 Bulrush harvesting
 Main transportation : boats
 Lots of green
 Dalmatian pelican family
 Sunset over the Danube Delta, near Mahmudia
 The Danube enters the Black Sea, journey almost over
Photos courtesy to Jarosaw Pocztarski, FOREVER CARDON, mugh, onnufry, tonica, marius, S-Yun, marius_zh, la Tanti Tina and the Danube’s Biosphere Region website. I hope you enjoyed your visual trip! With lots of friendship, Anamaria PS: Check back often as here are some more to come! ... or check the "Email me when someone replies to this thread" box to stay tuned to the news :-)