
First Prayer of the Continental Congress, 1774
10/7/2022 6:05:52 AM
The First Prayer of the Continental Congress, 1774 AD

O Lord, our Heavenly Father, the high and mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who from your throne looks down on all the inhabitants of the earth and rules with supreme and uncontrolled authority over all Kingdoms, Empires, and Governments; look with mercy, we beseech You, at these our American States, who fled to You from the rod of the oppressor and threw himself under your merciful protection, wanting to depend only on you from now on. To you they cried for the righteousness of their cause; to you, they now turn for the protection and support that you alone can give. Therefore, take them, Heavenly Father, under Your careful care; give them wisdom in Advice and valor on the battlefield; crush the malicious designs of our cruel opponents; convince them of the unrighteousness of their Cause, and if they persist in their bloodthirsty goals, in their own infallible justice sounding in their hearts. make them drop the weapons of war from their weakened hands on the day of battle!

Be You here, O God of Wisdom, and guide the councils of this honorable assembly; give them the opportunity to resolve issues on the best and most reliable basis. So that the bloody scene can be quickly closed; so that order, harmony, and peace can be effectively restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety will triumph and flourish among people. Preserve the health of their bodies and the vigor of their minds; pour out on them and on the millions they represent here such temporary blessings as you deem appropriate for them in this world, and crown them with eternal glory in the world to come. We ask all this in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, your Son, and our Savior.

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Derek Spirs

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RE: First Prayer of the Continental Congress, 1774
10/7/2022 11:15:08 AM
These are good words. But even so, the people of that time were cruel to others. I'm glad I now live in a time of human freedom in all faiths. Of course, it saddens me that even in 2022, there will be wars like the one in Ukraine. Our church prays for all people in countries with wars, high rates of disease, and other things. I read the Book of Revelation of John several times a year and think about the many things that bring us closer to Judgment Day today. Of course, there are many opinions, but I've already seen sickness and Marked by the Sign and many other things. I've discussed this with our pastor, and he isn't trying to change my mind about it. He thinks I can analyze the Bible and that it's good.
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