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Kathy Hamilton

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4/2/2006 2:10:04 PM
Hello my friends, Please if you would like to add each other to our sykpe list and share and exchange user ID 's, It would help others to be able to share networking ideas and develope Relationships. So if you would like to provide that information join in with me.I will start first. Sykpe Id- simikathy- Kathy Martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Sykpe Users
4/2/2006 2:20:23 PM
Hi Kathy, What a brave & good idea... here is mine :) Skype: tim.salomaki Have a great, sunny Sunday! Tim ->Homepage:
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Sykpe Users
4/2/2006 2:40:21 PM
Hello Tim, Brave Tim??We are here to help each other not hurt anyone and remember if someone does use it improperly you can always delete the person,I am counting on no evil doers here anyways,Plus I will be watching over us as I am the joan of Arc remember???kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Sykpe Users
4/2/2006 2:42:06 PM
Hello Kathy and my friends. This is a very good idea. SkyPe is a great way of communication. Sorry for not being able to use it for a while now. I have a very old PC, the other I had to send to my daughter as many of you already knows and this one do not support any more programs on it. So we can keep in touch only on yahoo.
Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Sykpe Users
4/2/2006 2:45:20 PM
I'm Not a member Kathy what is SYKPE? I have never heard of this program what is it & what does it do for all of us? Just thought I'd ask I'm sure there are more peopple whom have never heard of it either.

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