
Who is Tim Salomaki?

Tim Salomaki

Tim Salomaki
Member SinceMonday, June 13, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, May 18, 2008
LocationSan Marcos, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me


If I could only share one thing with you about me it would be that I've travelled the world quite a bit. I've lived both in the US and Europe, and visited Asian countries and cities many times. Aside from that I'm a husband and a father of two wonderful children. I enjoy spending time with my family, and we all love outdoors, camping, hiking, biking and skiing. And whenever we have a chance, we travel to explore new places.
The best thing about having my own business is the freedom it enables, both financial and time - they are both equally important to me. I got tired to trade most of my time for 'always-too-small' paycheck, which did not allow me to do what I really wanted with my life. The fact is that it is the money that allows the lifestyle you want. For me it is a lifestyle of traveling, outdoors, playing soccer with my kids, and being there for my family - instead of someone else telling me e.g. when I am allowed to take my annual vacation or what my salary gap is.
For me, it all started when after 20 years of working hard in a corporate rollercoaster - in global companies like Nokia and IBM - leading teams across the world and traveling like a crazy rat.

Then I made a decision of being my own boss and working for myself, and finally staying at home with my family and children. And this is exactly what I've been doing, and now I have the freedom to do what I really like in my life!

Now... this is my fully automated HANDS-FREE marketing system, Predator. If you feel like Getting Started in my team... here, first get into the right mood with my Rap Team - Mike, Tom & Jeff  


==> Marketing has never so EASY and PROFITABLE as it is with 1Step System.
==> I generate FREE PROSPECTS with my  Pay-It-Forward Marketing System.
==> I make easy, 100% automatic weekly income with Platinum Travel Club.
==> Here is my 6-min "Talk-2-No-1" prospecting system overview.

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