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Re: "Anatomy of a Good Opportunity"
4/2/2006 11:43:45 PM
Anthony, There is a lot of good, useful, and honest information in this post. However there is one thing that seems to be lacking and that is choosing a compensation that will reward the distributor, by paying them what they are "Truly Worth" When a person enters into a business partnership, they should look for a company that has a compensation plan that will reward the part-time marketer that is just begining their business, while rewarding the full-time professional, and rewarding the company as well. You can have the latest, greatest, product available, but if the program will not richly reward the marketers, what is the use of marketing for that company? Here is a list that teaches how to determine if a marketing program is right or not! You know you're in a bad MLM when.... Now let's face the facts! All programs are MLM if money is earned from joint marketing efforts! I thought this was very good! I was attempting to humor myself when I wrote the following. Can you add to this list? Daniel ------------------------------------------------------ Signs you've joined a bad MLM: ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Animated company logo features dollar signs dancing over broken bodies. 2) Customer Service has PIN Recognition levels for holding. 3) Your sponsor is a self-replicated webpage that plays evillaugh.WAV when you enter your credit card number. 4) The very next day, the company's URL automatically forwards you to the Attorney General's home page. 5) Brochures depict Donald Trump on the set of the Tonight Show holding a superimposed product photo. 6) Your sponsor does a 3-way call with a former IRS agent to explain the revised comp plan to you because the hard copy exceeds UPS's weight limit. 7) FAQ's include "What if I can't sell all this stuff before my VISA bill gets here?" 8) Former reps band together and get rich off a chain of "used motivational tape resale shops". IPO is $212/share. 9) Legal representation is provided by the law office of Dewey, Scruham and Howell. 10) Fine print states that "bounced bonus checks will be replaced with another just like it within 10 business days." 11 When your upline sends you brochures on tapes they produce urgeing you to by 5,000 @ .75 each to mail out! 12 When your upline wants you to attend weekly seminars out of town at Hotels where they get paid commissions for bringing business to the Hotels. Plus they charge ridiculous fees for the seminars and split the money between the Directs! 13 When you have to purchase two centers and your commission is paid only when you balance them out! 14 When they want you to sign up without seeing the compensation plan or the bonus rules! 15 When they tell you not to worry about the compensation plan, just go sign people up! 16 When you ask a C. P. A. to explain the compensation plan and when he finishes he has a blank look on his face! 17 When they begin loosing their Credit Card Providers and ask you to go to a Bank Draft! 18 When your bonus and commissions comes to you in the form of an IOU! 19 When your products are shipped late and you have the wrong products in your order! 20 When they promise to build your downline and you never have anyone enrolled under you? 21 When you are constantly having to rebuild your downline because you have a 75% drop out rate! 22 When you are told that their payout is 110% and you find out that they actually pay less than 40%? 23 When you have to use Deceit in order to get someone to join? 24 When a downline member can't cover the cost of their product with only 3-4 in their downline? 25 When you can't earn at least $780 with only 20 in your downline? 26 When they offer a FREE CAR BONUS instead of commissions and you realize that 98% of your downline will never achieve the goals they set for them to earn it? 27 When they bury the bonuses so far down in the compensation plan 90% will never achieve it! 28 When they require you to enroll a certain number of distributors per month in order to qualify for a bonus? 29 When you have to maintain a high volume in order to earn a bonus? 30 When you have to Front Load Individuals in order to earn money? 31 When you can't get in touch with your upline to have your questions answered! 32 When you can't find out who your sponsor is Compliments of: Proud Network Marketers
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: "Anatomy of a Good Opportunity"
4/11/2006 7:14:19 AM
Hello Anthony, I hope you and Pam had an excellent time at the Western States Native American Festival of Arts, Crafts, Songs & Dancing. It sounded like a great place to be. Thank you very much for your interesting post It was excellent and very well worked on. I completely agree with your criteria. It is also good if the company offers a good start-up bonus for those that choose to keep their ordinary jobs while starting up. If the products are what people benefit from, then yes there are people out there that need them. Take Care!
Take Care and Enjoy Your Day! Coralie

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