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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/2/2006 1:15:11 AM
Dear Robert, Arthur and Veronica, A great big welcome to you, we know you are going to enjoy your part in this very exciting company that has been formed. We will all be working as united teams to promote excellent products and you will make a lot of new friends as you get to know other people in WOSAT. You will get to learn new skills as well in your internet life.Everyone will welcome you to our divisions and we look forward to your happy participation. You know our motto is : "Team Hope". Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday EXPECT SUCCESS Holly
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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/2/2006 4:58:42 AM
Hi, Ashley and Kay, I am Arthur Webster and am from Spain. I can always be contacted through Adland, of course or (although I seem to be an original thinker, I am not very original - lol). My interests, like my taste in music, are very eclectic. There is nothing I will not try at least once and there is nothing I value above a new experience. I was introduced to this forum by Kay and can see that it has a great potential if embraced by the community and used in the way it is intended to be used. As the perpetrator of just about every basic (and stupid) mistake it is possible to make on the web, I am in the process of 'rubbing out and starting again' and have great hopes for a project created by my friend, Peter Heavey, for a world wide 'Local Gazette'. I am not an acquisitive person so often fail to capitalise (financially) on many things that I join - but I sure do have fun! My life is one of contentment and happiness punctuated by episodes of ill health. While I seem to be out of touch with many of today's mainstream thoughts, I am very sure in what I believe and my moral values are cast in stone. If I am asked my opinion on anything - be assured - that is what I will give. Do not expect me to join in a chorus of 'super', 'fabulous' or 'great idea' - that is not my style. I look forward to revisiting this forum regularly and seeing some great ideas and information posted. Regards
Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/3/2006 5:32:28 PM
Name: Sonny Mathew From: New Zealand Contact Details: Phone: 011 647 3239153 Mobile: +64 0212229990 10 Kirk Crescent, Kawerau Whakatane, NewZealand 3075 My Interest's: Network Marketing Mewbie. Who Invited me: This time around, Ashley Elias. My business's: A little about myself: I am NZ born Maori man aged 60 years old, married with four grown children and 20 grand children. All my life i have been involved in farming sheep and cattle or dairying mainly in NZ and on Government State Sheep and Cattle stations. Also for the Dairy industry in NZ..3 years of trying to find the niche market and out many many online business's i have come to a stand still with the two i have already. One dealing in Nutrtional Products and the other i use as my secondary business using the many promotional tools they have hopefully to market what i have in my primary business which is Nutritionals. Other than that, i am just a learner looking for help in marketing the right way also here to make new friends and to learn, maybe share what little i have.. Online business is somewhat new to me, i would say 10 years of trying is still virtually new to me, but i hope to gain a lot from the group, i know most of you will be seasoned online business entrepreneurs in your own rights, so thank you for inviting me to the group.... Sonny Mathew.
Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/4/2006 7:39:07 AM
Hi everybody! My name is Curt Miller. And I am located in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania (about 70 miles east of Pittsburgh). I can be reached at My interests are music, exercise, and being online. I'm not really sure who invited me - it's been a bit since I first signed up for this one-and I get invitations to forums every day or couple of days. My favorite businesses are the FREE STORE CLUB ( New Net Mail ( --- because of the method of marketing that they use (EMM). There is so much out there-i'm signed into many other programs- but these two I'm most interested in. Right now i'm interested in finding a way to get cheap (or free) quality leads...and I look forward to getting different techniques from you all that I don't know about yet : ) To our MASSIVE success!!! Curt Miller
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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/6/2006 3:59:10 AM
To All Wosat Members I has finally came down to this: If you do not have your non-disclosure form signed and sent in by Saturday April 8,2006 before the Board Meeting starts at 5:00 pm EST you will be dropped from the WOSAT program. I DO NOT want to see this happen so if you haven't done so already please sign and return them to Rick Martin at If you need a copy of it please contact me at Also if you know anyone that hasn't signed, please contact them and tell them to do so Your friend Larry
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson

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