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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/27/2006 6:56:31 PM
Hello Everyone! Good to see everyone's bio. I am Myra Dwyer and I live in Smiths Grove, KY near Mammoth Cave and the Corvette Plant in Bowling Green, KY. My two wonderful daughters and two grandchildren are the lights of my life. We have a lot of fun. Recently, I began to oil paint again and have a painting in a local show this weekend. Antiques is another passion of mine too. I collect depression glass and have bought and sold antiques for several years. I have not had much time for antiques lately. Networking marketing is a great educational industry. I have learned so much since 2001 when I started. And I have also made some terrific friends. My health is great also. Especially since I started on the "Jungle Juice" as my friends call it. That is not the real name! I have eliminated all of my allergy meds and almost all of my blood pressure meds too! Awesome! Gotta run and do some carpenter work! Take care! Myra
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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/27/2006 9:15:19 PM
A great big WELCOME to all our newest members. I wanted to take you back to see where this all started and to tell you just how far we have come since the inception.You are involved in making Internet history and are in for the ride of your life. Our first product and our company is now live. We have come so far and achieved so much in such a short time. This was the beginning. that web site has been built and is fully functional our first product is: You all if not already need to have your non disclosure form filled out, and need to be registered for our private forum.and be registered for the boardroom. I encourage all who can attend the general and boardroom meetings to attend. this way you will find out all the ins and outs of what we have done to date.At the general meeting you are encouraged to speak if you have a mike or text chat if not. the boardroom meetings you are very welcome to attend but are not permitted to speak or interact but very welcome to listen. You will find the addresses you need a bit back in this forum. We want everyone to register for all that is required and to get into the private forum that has been set up. Can you imagine how it has been for us that have been in this since that first post by Dr David. We have come from a dream and vision, to something today that is real, you are truly blessed to be a part of this Internet history making achievement. We now have a registered LLC company called WOSAT. We are now ready to make some sales and money for our clients which in turn we will be paid. I just wanted to let you all know just how far we have come, how much work has been done in the background to achieve all this and to see the vision from its inception to its almost conclusion which is now. So many people have put so much time and effort into this to achieve all this for you, Dr David has always been there to help and advise us all. So I encourage you to get excited and to start your promotion of our first product and to start to see some income coming into Wosat. Ineract with one another, and you will find as I have that you will make some very wonderful lasting lifetime friendships with those that you do. EXPECT SUCCESS Holly
Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/28/2006 12:45:17 AM
Hi Ashley & Everyone, I just reviewed the forum, and seen how we are progressing. I would like to personally congradulate, and welcome each & everyone who has decided to participate. Wishing each & everyone much "Happiness & Prosperity".
Have a Blessed day! Grover LeBlanc - International Global Leader / Personal Life Coach & Trainer International Global Le
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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/28/2006 9:07:39 AM
Hello Everyone. I would like to start off by saying that I think what you are doing here is a great thing. Thank you for the invitation to join you. Your Name: Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Where you come from: Nucla, Colorado Contact Details: P.O. Box 481 Nucla, Colorado 81424-0481 970-864-7799 970-864-7797 (fax) Your Interest's: Writing, publishing, health & wellness products, Goji Kids, RSS, and network marketing. Who Invited you: A while back, John Sanchez sent me an invitation, but at the time I had too much going on. Today John Leal sent me another invitation, and this time I can answer it. Your business: TLC Promotions is the parent company for all I am involved in. I am a Marketing Director for Melaleuca, and FreeLife International. I also publish an Internet marketing ezine: The Trii-Zine Ezine. And last, but not least, I own a syndicated advertising vehicle called AdsOnQ. Article Distribution and Syndication On Quikonnex. Tell us a little about yourself: I am a stay-at-home mother of two boys, ages 8 and 16. I have been married to my wonderful husband for going on 10 years. My disabled mother came to live with us four years ago. Jeff and I are both natives of Wisconsin, but moved out here, to the sticks, in 1997. After 30 years of big city life, this girl was ready for the country, and I'd never go back to the city to live. I have been a professional writer for the last 6 years. Outside of publishing the RSS feeds I do, I have also written a couple of books on the subject of RSS. Recently, I took on the job of Channel Master for the Prosperity Network RSS feed. If anyone here is involved in Prosperity Automated System, you may want to have a look: Thank you again for inviting me to this group. Have an awesome day! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Flag of Holly Goodyer

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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/28/2006 11:20:19 PM
Hi Trina, A great big huge welcome to you, I know you are going to love it here and you will get all the help you need. You have a very interesting life, and I know you will be able to contribute greatly to our community. I have sent you all the instuctions but if you go back here to the beginning of the posts you will find the info I sent you posted in here by Dr David. Again a huge welcome and look forward to getting to know you. It would be great if you have the time to attend the meetings if you can you will learn first hand all the events that are coming forth all the time. All members are very welcome. EXPECT SUCCESS Holly

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