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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/20/2006 5:46:33 AM
Hi, glad to see so many of you finding your feet and signing into the business. Success cannot avoid us now, we have grown strong and can only grow stronger. Arthur, thankyou for your comment, I have discussed this week with Dr King the possibility of holding a second general meeting at a different time. I have been recording meetings but the new time for the General meeting is even too late for mee at 1am GMT. Unfortunately, the recording sizes are too large to upload unless I can find a way of compressing them or editing them. I have a trial programme for editing but it's going to be very time consuming on a weekly basis. I still think an extra meeting will be more efficient in the long run. Look forward to you all helping us and if anyone has Logistics experience or any other business talent please speak up we need you. Best wishes to all Kay Reeve
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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/20/2006 1:24:21 PM
Hello Ashley, and fellow Wosat members, Amanda reporting from Wyoming. I do not recall who first invited me, although I have had reminders from Ashley and Cara Cash, so will give these two fine ladies the credit. *grin* I filled out the non-disclosure and sent it to the email addy Carla gave me, this was done a couple of weeks ago. I am a transplanted New Zealander from Taihape, Central North Island, married to James originally from North Carolina whom was my internet penpal. We have joined a fairly new ground floor company of Xocai which promotes Healthy dark chocolate to sell and offer the business opportunity. A company and product we can both do together and we are excited about. It is growing very nicely as chocolate is #1 craved candy so is very sellable. Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver
Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/20/2006 6:21:21 PM
Hi,Ashley! I am very proud and honored to be chosen to be a Member with your Organization! Name:Shirley Ruth Caron Location: Indianapolis, Indiana Contact:(317)887-2819 or Interests:Writing Poetry and Songs, Singing, Being Vice President of our Business "M & S Music Management", Reading, Watching TV, Going to the Movies I was invited by Carla Cash(a special Friend) My Business: "SAVE OUR CHILDREN" My Name is Shirley Ruth Caron, I'm 58 years old and I'm a Renowned Poet, Songwriter and Singer. I resid on the South side of Indianapolis, Indiana with my loving Husband, Mike. I have received a lot of recognition from several Poetry Organizations such as:The International Society of Poets, The National Library of Poetry, World of Poetry, Sparrowgrass, Creative Arts & Science Enterprises,Inc.,, Watermark Press, Iliad Press and Nobel House(a Poetry Division)located in London,England. I have received several High Achievement Awards, I have been Nominated Poetry Ambassador for 2006 with The National Library of Poetry, I have been Nominated for Poet of the Year with The International Society of Poets and I have been Nominated for Platinum Poet with The E.I.A.(Entertainer-Indi Association)Awards Show in Nashville, Tennessee. In the near Future, I am going to become a Nashville Recording Artist! I could go on and on with a lot of pride, but, I realize that I have to make it as brief as possible. I finally want to say, that, I am very proud and honored to be an active Member at AdlandPro Community and I will treasure all the Friendships that I have made. "GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!" Your Friend In Christ, Shirley Ruth Caron
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Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/20/2006 9:17:12 PM
HI SHIRLEY, I'm glad you found out about Wings, I'll keep inviting, evidently it's working! Please go to the first part of the forum and download the boardroom and sign your non-disclosure agreement! Also the conference room, if you need anything let myself or Ashley know! Sincerely, Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success
4/20/2006 9:44:15 PM
Hello. I'm Norma. I've introduced myself before. but checking back in case someone missed seeing me. I'm from Ky. and I Make my own Fruity Bath and Body Products. and I just hope to meet some nice people here. ~Norma
~Norma Norma's Bath & Body. Http:// 866.271.4354

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