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Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 3:00:49 AM
Kathy remember you will reach the people who are ready, the rest are still in the "excuse" mode, they haven't realized yet that whereever they are in life, no matter the situation, the only person who is responsible is looking right back at them when they look in the mirror each day. We as friends can't really help anyone, that is up to them, but we can listen and remind them when they are ready there is a wonderful world out there ready to give them anything they desire, if they are willing to quit finding excuses and just get busy focusing their attention on what they want. I used to get frustrated, like you when people asked me how I recovered from RA and could I please help them, yet they did not want to spend any money on health products and they didn't want to change their diets any, that's too hard.........meditation, doesn't that take time. Now I just realize, they are comfortable where they are and don't mind the suffering enough to change. When the suffering is great enough, change comes naturally.
Susan Dorey
Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 6:04:08 AM
Kathy, I believe you are on the edge of losing your integrity. Do you remember the 12 daily that inticed members in with the Free! Then lead people into upgrading. Did you happen to be one of the members that promoted that program? In reality, the "Big Boys" fo not waste their time with free sites, they own the free sites. Then when people join and invite other people to join, and find they don't receive the results that were promised they drop the program, guess who picks up the leads for their own marketing programs. You will also find that the "Big Boys" are investing money purchasing leads of people that are searching for a business, not people that have a business looking for customers.
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Nick Kitchen

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Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 7:43:09 AM
Hello Kathy , thanks for the invite. The site that Kathy is showing you is very well worth a look into If you are already in business or have no business you can use the many tools from bizzbuzz to help your business grow for free You can even turn Bizzbuzz into a main business if you like I have been in bizzbuzz for a month now and i use the tools , they are very good , i have made money with it too What the site has to offer is only the tip of a big iceburg There are many exiting things comming . You will see what i mean as it will be all over the internet I know everyone has there own time frames , agendas and businesses they run and stuff . Thats fine, no problem What Kathy is trying to do is help you with your businesses and time by giving you some of the nessecary tools to succeed. You can use the tools for free as long as you want so i dont think it is a bad deal do you Take care Nick
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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 9:14:49 AM
Thanks Susan for all your support, You are a good friend,God Speed to you,Hope your feeling better.Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 9:20:57 AM
Hello James, Thank you for your concern, But I have had many look at the program and agree it is very cool,No I was not involved in 12 daily pro thankfully,I am sorry that it fell but I do not get involved in things like that.I have not chosen things anymore that has gone under.I am very careful what I put myself in as I am a single mom with 3 daughters that I need to only succeed at, not fail at.You know how passionate I am,Well I am also very passionate in The things I choose As well.I am not here to lure anyone into a bad situation I am only hear to help .Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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