Kathy remember you will reach the people who are ready, the rest are still in the "excuse" mode, they haven't realized yet that whereever they are in life, no matter the situation, the only person who is responsible is looking right back at them when they look in the mirror each day.
We as friends can't really help anyone, that is up to them, but we can listen and remind them when they are ready there is a wonderful world out there ready to give them anything they desire, if they are willing to quit finding excuses and just get busy focusing their attention on what they want.
I used to get frustrated, like you when people asked me how I recovered from RA and could I please help them, yet they did not want to spend any money on health products and they didn't want to change their diets any, that's too hard.........meditation, doesn't that take time. Now I just realize, they are comfortable where they are and don't mind the suffering enough to change. When the suffering is great enough, change comes naturally.