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Kathy Hamilton

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PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 12:44:48 AM
Hello my friends, Well I guess Ill just have to say shame on you,I guess you guys are not very serious about your networking because if you were you would at least sign up free and go into the back office and see all the exciting things bizzbuzz has to offer, my goodness free, I can not believe someone would not look into something free,Oh well your loss my gain.Sorry you are all so afraid of free. my goodness and to think Im networking with not serious people,I guess thats why they have the saying only play with the big boys not the little boys.No one is asking you to sign up for anything but do you not owe yourself the opportunity to check something out regarding your networking business? you say your always looking for better tools and opportunity to be able to better your business, why is it no one wants to check it out for free,it does not cost you any thing to go and look to see if it can help your business.I sit and read and listen to you all say you want to get connected with more people and get more ideas, well then just go and check out my link and see,Or are you not serious networkers after all??lets seperate the real networkers here,lets see how many are really serious about there business.You can not go wrong with free. Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 1:10:44 AM
Kathy would this qualify as bullying?????????? People are busy and have the right to choose where they spend their time, I'm just offering you a gentle reminder that you do not tollerate bullying here at Adland Pro.
Susan Dorey
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 1:37:43 AM
Hello Susan, Hooray for you Susan, But I am not bullying anyone,I am suggesting that People write me and ask for my business advise and when I do give it no one wants to check it out,Of course I do not want anyone who is not serious to even look at it,I know first hand about Being busy Susan as I work 40 hours a week plus spend all my other time working my business and working on adlandpro to be here for everyone to help them with there business,I am sorry if you feel I am bullying but I spend so much time trying to help people on adlandpro who write me tons of emails but no one wants to look at something I suggest for free.Thanks for bringing it to my attention though but no I am not bullying anyone.Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 1:42:46 AM
Perfect, thank you Kathy for replying so eloquently, I just wanted make sure, of course I don't know the relationship you have with others and if people are asking for help then not responding I imagine this causes you much frustration because it's obvious you care about others.
Susan Dorey
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: PART 2 Of something Kathy Martin is up to!!!!
3/31/2006 1:56:34 AM
Hello Susan I do love you And thank you,but It does get pretty frustrating when I try so hard to help others and there marketing but no one really wants my help I guess,They write me emails everyday for my advise and I always give it to them graciously but when I try to let them know of something free just to look at that will help them they are afraid,I think I am just very tired of no one really caring about how I feel and excpecting me to only care about them.Its very frustrating Susan and very sad,I guess my trying is not working anymore.kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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