Hi Cheri,
I took the time to read all the posts on Linda's forum and saw so many visions of my childhood AND similarities to my present situation.
Of course you know my belief in the Law of Attraction, and how visualizing goals is the first step to attaining them.
Success in life is my primary goal, but money is a close second if not concurrant goal as having an abundance of such will enable me to pursue my ultimate goal of founding a First Nations healing center.
As always, I enjoyed your post, and we (my wife & I) are going to copy your example and tour an acreage that would be a good example of where we'd like to move to.
One other thing I'd like to mention is that I've been hearing lots of marketers talking about being so busy and not having any time.
I found myself saying the same things and took a close look at it. What a limiting belief! I've since changed that to "I have ton's of time"! (that is if I am not procrastinating and wasting it on non-productive pursuits) I really had to bite the bullet with all the Adland mail I've been getting and only the most personal or important to my goals gets any attention.
It's amazing how much more time I have now :-)