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IMPORTANT: Information Re: Auto-Surf-Money
3/26/2006 12:56:46 PM
I just received this email from the administration of Auto-surf-Money and thought I should share it with all of you! *************************************** This is truly a sad day for us, but due to circumstances beyond our control has been forced to close. Before you PANIC please understand this: WE DO NOT INTEND TO RUN WITH YOUR MONEY !! Over the next several days we will review our databases and begin to refund those who are due funds. If you have recently sent funds to us via Check and these funds have not been reflected into your account this means that the funds have not been deposited into the bank and they will be returned to you as soon as possible. All refunds must be issued via company check because all of our other accounts have been restricted in one form or another. We therefore need to request you complete the information in your profile to make this possible, i.e., Full name and address. It was not our intention to start this program and have to close in this manner. Unfortunately we have all fallen victim of circumstance. Had we been able to continue the development of Auto-Surf-Money privately, rather than launch hurriedly due to those circumstances beyond our control that occurred on and after February 2nd, 2006, rather than a public launch while we were still very much in pre-launch, it would not be necessary to send you this announcement now. We will be refunding all of our members and continuing with development as originally planned. Without the additional full time work involved in daily operations, this will be a more realistic achievable task to manage. Dan Lund Apparently, from the way I am reading this, they will be back eventually after they set it all up properly! We will have wait and see! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: IMPORTANT: Information Re: Auto-Surf-Money
3/26/2006 2:44:24 PM
I wish you al the best with those of you whom are involved in this. However I am not a affliate of this company. WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST
Re: IMPORTANT: Information Re: Auto-Surf-Money
3/26/2006 3:40:08 PM
sounds pretty bad for people who have trsut in this payment processors like me i would like to trust in another one but to me i dont know in wich one seems like one and another try to take advange i know auto-surf- money promisse to return the money that they are holding and yes probably thy will do that but how this happen cause 1.- you have an idea but you dont planned good was such a good idea to have a payment processsor in wich autosurf industry trust 2.- dont study the market and they rules 3.- dont have the best team of developers about paypal some people are afraind they do same as stormpay some autosurf websites have already some problems with paypal i hope they dont do same as the scamm with stormpay maybe we should go back to write checks or money orders i dont know how acurate could be just a tought have a great day my friends
Alfred Delgado
Re: IMPORTANT: Information Re: Auto-Surf-Money
3/26/2006 5:13:17 PM
Marilyn. Thanks for your info! I am so glad that I don't do autosurfs, jump into pre-launches, or even get in on start up companies.
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Re: IMPORTANT: Information Re: Auto-Surf-Money
3/26/2006 6:41:35 PM
Hello Marilyn, Just heard the news from another forum. This is getting pretty bad. Thank you for the news. Love,

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