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Kathy Hamilton

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Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life?????
3/25/2006 11:56:25 AM
Hello My friends, I am going to start another series to help others to Have strength in their lives To achieve what they Deserve.Hope you will join me.Kathy Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life—obtaining a better job, having a stronger marriage or happier home? Possibly you’ve written a to-do list but it’s still tucked away in a drawer? let me help you make that list a reality with steps to living at your full potential. Guiding you through a simple yet life-altering process,I will shows you how to enlarge your vision, develop self-esteem, discover the power of thoughts and words, let go of the past, find strength through adversity, give back to others, and choose to be happy. The key, is to “see ourselves as God sees us, not how we feel or think.” The result can be good health, success, relationships, and the rewarding life you’ve always imagined.Lets work together to achieve this.I am doing this through my Direct Matches,It has changed my life. How many people do you know who are living in the regret of the past or the fear of the future? Have you ever played the game called “someday” and said, someday… * Things will be better in my life. * I catch up on work and start making memories with my family. * I’ll earn enough so I won’t have to worry about paying the bills. * I’ll lose weight and get in better physical condition. * I’ll have a better relationship with God and enjoy more of His goodness. Unfortunately, someday never comes and we never get any better. Today is the only day we have. We can’t do anything about the past and we don’t know what the future holds. But we can seek to live up to our full potential today! My hope and expectation is that if you will journey with me, you will make significant progress in developing the potential that God gave you and in so doing you will improve the quality of your life. Contented, successful, fulfilled, happy people have learned how to live their best lives in the present. Making the most of the present enhances our prospects for the future. Many blessings to you,Kathy Martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life?????
3/25/2006 12:02:35 PM
Hi Kathy Many thanks for your email. You are a dear sweet Lady and treasure to know. Never Change We love you James and Emilia Howard
Nick Kitchen

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Re: Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life?????
3/25/2006 12:22:14 PM
Hello Kathy , thanks for the invite and the community spirit you show to the adland members Cheers Nick
Infinity Trade Group is a private programme that has combined the elements of private managed investment and networking . Creating the most powerful wealth building business on the planet.
Re: Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life?????
3/25/2006 1:04:34 PM
Hi Kathy You are a Lady and please to meet you.
Nan Herring

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Re: Do you often dream of living a more rewarding life?????
3/25/2006 6:30:27 PM
hi, another great forum. nan

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