Hello my friends,
Here is an Amazing young man who is a great networker.He has already caught the attention of many people here at adlandpro.He has articles published on Google ,You can search his name and It will be on the first page.
Here is a forum he did ,I would like To share with all of you.Thanks,kathy
Tom Wichterman
What L-I-F-E Stands For and Means to me!
Posted: 03-23-06 10:08 PM
This is of course my own personal opinion of what I think LIFE means. You can agree with me or maybe some things are a little different for you. Do a little exercise at the end of this
Ok. So my topic yesterday was on "Faith without works is DEAD." Today I decided I would give my opinion of what I think the opposite of DEAD means!
LIFE to me is . . .
L-ove . . .
I-nspiration . . .
F-reedom . . .
E-nergy . . .
*** Let me explain ***
We all know what love is. Its that feeling of acceptance and the feeling of affection. You could get love from a friendship or any relationship. The problem is that the average human being when missing love from their life is hopeless. Without a question one of the main things that keeps us alive every day and makes us get out of bed every morning is quite simply LOVE! We can't live without it!
Have you ever been inspired to do something that you never thought you would do? We are all inspired every day to do different things or "try" different things. Without people in your life that inspire you to be great what would we be. We would be nothing! Mediocrity would get the best of us every day if there was no such thing as inspiration!
We all know that we have the freedom to do what we want and when we want. The question is . . . "why do some choose to go down the path of Death while some go down the path of Life. The thing is . . . "are you going to use your freedom to go down the path of Life . . . or just keep on living a life of Death"???
YAY for energy! We all have energy every day. Its the reason we eat food . . . to get energy so we can live! What would we do without energy? We would probably be a sloth or snail clinging to what little life we have left. Life is full of ENERGY. What we choose to do with that energy is the real question!
If you have any opinions or any feedback let me know what you think!
Have a great day and God Bless!
-Tom Wichterman http://twick.myopportunitypro.com/page7