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~ YOU ~ Can Join lawsuit against Stormpay, there isn't much time!
3/20/2006 5:19:03 PM
(I tried to send this thread out first, yet the same thread that I posted in another forum has gone out, but this older one hasn't yet, so I'm trying again so I can get the word out there.) My 12 Daily Pro sponsor let me know that another member has organized a lawsuit against Stormpay. Although Stormpay has paid out a few refunds they are sitting on millions and millions. I was able to quickly determine what they were all about by seeing how my personal situation was handled. I only had 2 Stormpay transactions through 12 Daily Pro. One was for $6 and one was for $2,340. Would you like to guess which one they quickly refunded after they put a freeze on millions and millions of dollars? That's right, they made a laughable show of refunding my $6 transaction. But if they were honest they would have refunded my $2,340 transaction as well. My sponsor told me that you have to notify the investigator by today, Monday to be included in the lawsuit. Hopefully if some people are 1-2 days late you'll be included as well. My sponsor never made an upgrade through Stormpay. He has talked with the investigator. Even though he was affected by the stolen/frozen funds as well, he may not be eligible since his upgrades were made through Egold or EMO. However it wouldn't hurt to check with the investigator even if you never did make Stormpay upgrades. The more he hears from the better. * * * PLEASE * * * Tell everyone you referred and everyone who you know of who was in 12 Daily Pro to look at this forum post so they can jump in and be included as well. Spread the word to people who aren't apart of Adland. But hurry, there isn't much time. I closed my Stormpay account in February. When I found out they were doing charge backs from 2 months back for money that was already earned, I personally couldn't stomach it. I knew that even if it meant walking away from some programs that I would never want to partner with Stormpay again and for sure didn't want an open account where my card and checking account was stored there. I wasn't personally affected by any charge backs, except for my last 2 upgrades, all of my 12 Daily Pro upgrades were through Egold, but I knew that anyone who did business like that was someone I would never want to do business with again. Since I closed my Stormpay account I can't access my records to prove that I paid for the upgrade, but I forwarded my original Stormpay email transaction receipt to the investigator. Also Charis from Stormpay is cooperating with the SEC and all of our records of past upgrades made are recorded there as well. Anyway I just wanted to try to do the best that I could to try to look out for people. Here is the information that I copied from another forum. The information repeats itself because it is several different posts. Please HURRY. ================================================= I went to see Tony Davis today and he told me that he will file the RICO lawsuit against Stormpay by the end of the month so everyone who wants to be in the lawsuit needs to contact him at or call him. Stormpay reported 12dailypro to SEC to justify holding about 100million dollars from all the autosurf accounts. Stormpay can make alot of interest on that money at our expense. There are over 500 people worldwide which will be in this lawsuit. I live in Austin, Texas and started this lawsuit against Stormpay. There is a chance that you can get 3x the amount you have lost in this lawsuit. Diana The Tony Davis in Findlaw article isn't this Tony Davis because I asked him today about it. Tony Davis is a paralegal and a private investigator for Engid Derkunt, the attorney filing the RICO lawsuit. He says this RICO lawsuit will pay out over 1 million to over 5oo people involved (3x our loss to us) in the lawsuit. It may take a year to get our money back, but at least it will come back 3x as much that we have lost. Stormpay will be writing us checks. It will be hard for someone to make a claim in this lawsuit once it is filed, so please get your documentation to Tony Davis if you haven't already. Diana Call the Attorney Tony Davis and leave your contact information if he is away at 512-825-8369 while realizing that if you are overseas, he is located in Austin, Texas in the US Central Time Zone so adjust your calling hours to the appropriate timezone there. After contacting Attorney Tony Davis, he'll let you know if you have been included in the class action suit or not. Email him and leave your contact information at ================================================= This is petition you can sign if you lost money because of the Stormpay freeze. There are just over 300 signatures. There should thousands. ================================================= I love talking with my sponsor. He takes the time to find out things, that I just don't have time to keep up on, so he's a very good source of information. He told me Stormpay is in violation with several different states and there are several states coming after them. It's just going to take time. It also appears that they spent money that wasn't theirs to spend which is why they didn't have the money to pay 12 Daily Pro when they needed to make a withdrawal to honor some EMO upgrades. (well, gees, I had already figured that one out) So it was much easier to try to start an investigation of Auto Surf programs (even though they had an autosurf program, themselves, did you know that?) than admit, I'm sorry I don't have the money to pay you all of your money. The bottom line is 12 Daily Pro paid out on time for 10 straight months, they did not steal from their members, they did exactly what they promised to do, they paid them. Members stopped getting paid when Stormpay froze millions and millions of dollars. OK, contrary to what some are saying, the SEC ruling or finding did not say that ALL auto-surf programs are illegal. It basically says to use caution before joining and exercise due diligence which is the same common sense advice I would suggest for any business opportunity that you join. The latest Wall Street Journal article says that some auto surf programs are legitimate. So no we don't have to toss the baby out with bath water and give up on surfing forever. I spent a lot of hours looking at auto surf programs before my computer problems last month. This month I reached a conclusion. When I talked with my 12 Daily Pro sponsor he agreed with me and said that others were reaching the same conclusion as well. I changed my game plan of trying to have a portfolio of 20 - 30 auto surf programs. That's just too many. It's better to just work with 2-3 of the best auto surf programs than work with 20-30 where most of them will turn out to not be worthy. So I've decided to join 2 auto surf program this week and my 12 Daily Pro sponsor will be my sponsor. I don't have time to do an all out search in the auto surf industry now and I trust my sponsor's instincts because he's proven himself again and again. He was the one who dragged me into 12 Daily Pro, he was the one who insisted that I got in with Egold in August because he didn't like or trust Stormpay. I went into Egold kicking and screaming because I wanted to use Stormpay because it was easier. Taking the road that wasn't the easiest allowed me to make thousands in 12 Daily Pro, because what you earn in Egold is always yours to keep! Now he has 2 programs that he's chosen to upgrade in and I'm going to jump in this week and follow his advice again. I think these 2 programs are the best in the industry. I also think for safety and diversification reasons that one should never concentrate on building up just one auto surf program. It's better to be in 2-3. I won't even be looking at any other auto surf programs, for awhile. My sponsor doesn't think most of them are worth joining and I agree. There is one other one that might be good, my sponsor plans to join this month. I'm not sure if I want to join that one or not. But I know I'm very much excited about joining these 2. As soon as join I'll send my URL to my 12 Daily Pro referrals, then I'll write another thread and let you know through my forum what programs I'm going to be working with. I hope to do that today, if not then hopefully by Tuesday. There is also one passive earning program that I'll be joining, hopefully in a week and I'll post my URL once I do. ================================================= Working from home is exciting again. I now have 2 income streams that are paying me two nice income streams. It's always good to be diversified. One program has been paying me since August. You can read about it in this thread. ________________________ * * * Earn $500 a Day * * * ________________________ I'm excited enough about this new program that it now has it's own forum. By the evening of Tuesday the 21st I would have been with the program for 2 weeks. As of this morning I was in profit with this program to the tune of several hundred dollars. It's not very often that a business has a system that can put you in profit in less than 2 weeks and I've only worked 7 days on this program and it's not even the only program I'm working with! It's all about the system. With the right system you'll get results and it doesn't have to take months to start making serious money. You can get the link for this program by visiting this forum, or by clicking on the URL link on my profile page or by clicking on my Web Page tab. I have to do a new post in that forum because the program is no longer in pre-launch. I'll try to do that after midnight tonight. I can only do so many things and I thought sending this lawsuit post was more important. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm almost done putting my 12 Daily Pro referrals in an actual distribution list. I still have to update my free test drive contact list along with some other programs. I'll try to work on it every day. Have you noticed how everything takes so much time? I'm totally swamped in answering Adland Pro correspondence. Hopefully I can start working on that this week. For me after the Stormpay storm and my computer complications, it was more important to get my income back up to an acceptable level and now it is. This isn't a hobby for me, because I don't have a job. (and I don't want one) So when you call it work from home, I do WORK from home. And I love it, much better than I liked working a JOB. Well I'll join the 2 surf programs and post an update on that as soon as I can. I'll start working on growing my 2 new surf programs. My goal is to get each one up to a full-time income stream. I'd also like to grow the program featured in my $500 A Day System to a six figure income stream. If you want me to add your email address to my Profit4you update list so you can receive my updates directly please let me know. Thousands of forum members were deleted out of my forums without my permission or theirs, so it's best if I'm able to email you directly to let you know when I've written a new post. Just email me privately through Adland and put the words Profit4you Update in the subject line. I have a list of Adland people who have asked to stay in touch. I'll start working on putting them into a distribution list as soon as I have finished my 12 Daily Pro distribution list. Oh, I'll be writing a private update to all of my 12 Daily Pro referrals on my take on things with 12 Daily Pro and Stormpay. Although I decided it was important to post about this lawsuit information, I really want my forum posts to be about creating income streams that will pay you real profits. It's been almost 2 months since the Stormpay storm. It's time to move forward and make some money. I'm ready, hopefully you are too! Talk with you soon and thanks for being my friend!

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: ~ YOU ~ Can Join lawsuit against Stormpay, there isn't much time!
3/20/2006 5:28:28 PM
Felicia have you read the charges against 12daypro and Charis personally? Are you so sure that StormPay is completely at fault here? I'm confused by all of this, but not overly surprised, what regulators control 12DailyPro or for that matter StormPay.
Susan Dorey
Re: ~ YOU ~ Can Join lawsuit against Stormpay, there isn't much time!
3/20/2006 5:48:31 PM
Hello Felicia Thanks for the update with Stormpay. I only lost $30 from them, I had in my account. I had all my money in 12 daily I was surfing with it when it all came down. So I put it in holding in 12 Daily hoping that some day we might get it back. I was in Florida and was not sure what was happening. I'm looking over your site, something with a profit sounds great. Lonna
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Re: ~ YOU ~ Can Join lawsuit against Stormpay, there isn't much time!
3/20/2006 6:00:56 PM
Hey Susan. I'm not going to get into a lot of detail concerning this, I've spent far too much time on it as it as. I'm moving on and making good money again and my focus is on helping others to look forward and do the same. The things I know for sure are that 12 Daily Pro paid out on time for 10 straight months, Stormpay told them they had to elimnate all other payment processors so they wouldn't freeze their funds. 12 Daily Pro did and Stormpay frooze their funds anyway. That's when people no longer got paid. Stormpay did chargebacks of several months making it look like 12DailyPro was doing the charge backs when that wasn't the case because 12DailyPro no longer had access to their own account. Other auto surf programs, passive earning programs and even programs in other industries all reported the same thing. I also know that even before this mess happened the BBB had given Stormpay an unsatisfactory rating and they said in writing that Stormpay had a habit of ignoring BBB complaints. In any case I'm moving on, making money again, that's were my focus is. I consider this in the past and the only reason I posted it wasn't to start a debate or discussion again in my forums, I just wouldn't have felt comfortable if I hadn't done everything I could to let people know about the lawsuit. If you can let your contacts in adland and outside of adland know to visit this thread I would appreciate it. Even all of my adland friends aren't going to be notifed because not everyone is receiving notification of my forum posts. I just don't want any affected to miss out on the lawsuit and they should also post their complaint on the other website I mentioned as well. Thanks for visiting my forum, I appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

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Re: ~ YOU ~ Can Join lawsuit against Stormpay, there isn't much time!
3/20/2006 6:07:36 PM
You're welcome Lonna. If you did 12 Daily Pro upgrades using your Stormpay account you should contact the investigator. That is what this lawsuit is all about. If you can let your contacts in adland and outside of adland know to visit this thread I would appreciate it. Even all of my adland friends aren't going to be notifed because not everyone is receiving notification of my forum posts. I just don't want any affected to miss out on the lawsuit and they should also post their complaint on the other website I mentioned as well. Yes I know what you mean. Something with a profit is great. Most programs are hard to make a profit in and it sometimes takes people months to even break even and make several hundred dollars. I can't focus on something like that since I don't have a job. Thanks for visiting my forum!

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~


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