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Gene Justinger

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Re: Invitation to be my business partner
5/18/2006 7:31:56 AM
Hi Trina, I have used and sold the products of Melaleuca. One of my favorites is the 'spot remover', and boy does it work.
Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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Re: Invitation to be my business partner
5/19/2006 7:15:12 AM
I love all of their products! Prespot is one of my favorites too. Hey, do you ever get brown spots on your whites, from liquid fabric softener? I discoverd a little trick to get rid of them. Rub a little Lemon Brite on the spots, and rewash. They come right out. If you don't have a copy of the Melaleuca Wellness Guide, you should get one. There is an awesome receipe for insect repellant in there. Safe for humans and pets, even livestock. You can get the book at Actually, there are more than 300 different receipies in there for additional uses for the products. I call that book my home remedy bible. Thanx for sharing. Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276