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Cheryl Baxter

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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To the 35th Edition Of the Person Of The Week!
3/20/2006 2:02:56 PM
Hi Holly, Congratulations my sweet friend! This is your week, and I hope you thouroughly enjoy it! Way to go!!!! God bless you, ;-) Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Junior Stewart

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Re: Welcome To the 35th Edition Of the Person Of The Week!
3/20/2006 3:35:37 PM
HELLO HOLLY, Congratulations and well deserved!!! Junior
Believe in yourself. Take control of your destiny!!! TRUST IN GOD!!!
Holly Goodyer

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Re: Welcome To the 35th Edition Of the Person Of The Week!
3/20/2006 6:15:54 PM
Thankyou so much to all you wonderful people for your best wishes. I really do appreciate it, have just got up and I guess most of you are off to bed. I will put the names here of all the people I haven't thanked yet. Vasin, Paul, Judy, Jo, Arild, Lee, Deborah, Adina, Kathy, Coralie, Cheryl, Junior. Would also like to say to you Arild, that hope you are feeling better and on the way to a full recovery. Adland is such a special place and I am just thrilled to have got this very honoured postition and all the lovely friends that have wished me well. Will try to keep up. Cheers Holly
Barbara Delgiudice

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Re: Welcome To the 35th Edition Of the Person Of The Week!
3/20/2006 6:58:13 PM
Hi John and LaNell. Congratulations Holly!! Hugs Barbara :)
Re: Welcome To the 35th Edition Of the Person Of The Week!
3/20/2006 7:03:53 PM
Hello, Holly! Well, Hello, Holly! It's so nice to have you back where you belong You're looking swell, Holly, We can tell, Holly, You're still glowin', you'still crowin' You're still goin' strong etc. Sorry (to some extent), but when I wrote, "Hello, Holly," my mind went to the "Hello, Dolly" song. You are looking swell. Congratulations. Your Texas friend, Lawton

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