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Jill Bachman

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Re: How To Pick The WINNERS in MLM
3/18/2006 4:11:48 PM
Hi Marzlan, Very well done and filled with common sense information. I applaud you! :-) Thanks for sharing yet another great forum! Your friend, Jill
Re: How To Pick The WINNERS in MLM
3/18/2006 5:21:02 PM
Marzlan Fantastically well put and reinforces good common sense practice with the ability to aid the new people looking to start a homebased business in MLM world, helping them to chose and read carefully. Your a Star and thanking you kindly for sharing this with us all. warmest wishes sharon
James Max

711 Posts
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Re: How To Pick The WINNERS in MLM
3/18/2006 5:24:50 PM
Hello Marzlan, You are such a SMART cookie, your advice is timely and effective to prevent us from getting into deep water before we learn to swim. Keep up the GOOD Work! -702-434-1585 Las Vegas, Nevada,89122 United States P>S> I have just started a Public Forum at "Internet Marketing Reality - That's the way the world tumbles"
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