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Derek Pryde

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Re: Tips for Building your Biz
3/18/2006 4:52:09 AM
Hi, Leanne. Good advice. People need to put their face in their profile, otherwise I reckon they dont believe in the stuff their promoting. Here's a tip for building your business. see and get in on the Easter JV Giveawy event. Add a gift and you could end up with a huge mailing list. Worth trying, but you need to hurry and add your offer.
cheers Derek
Re: Tips for Building your Biz
3/18/2006 6:40:33 AM
I like to see a profile that tells me something about the person not just a business opportunity. Who are you? Where are you located? What got you into network marketing? etc. It's yourself you're putting out there, take pride in your presence. Using the adland web page to advertize offers, test your skill, and practice networking is the best way to get started.

Randall Parks/FreeAloePlant

Randall Parks/Cactus and yucca

Rose Enderud

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Re: Tips for Building your Biz
3/18/2006 12:36:04 PM
I agree with you completely. If you make an attempt people see a little of who you are. It is important to realize that you can update the profile anytime. So when you learn what people really need or want to see you can modify what you started with. But you need to start somewhere. I too am turned of by ads in an introductory contact. There is plenty of time to let people know what you are selling or promoting. Building trust is the first step. Rose
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Tips for Building your Biz
3/18/2006 12:52:56 PM
Hi Leanne, Great points. I know that I like it when people's profiles tell about them and not just their business. One of the pet peaves I have is someone contacting me through my Adland send a message box & I have never talked to them or been introduced & they send me a message reading something like: "Get into this great deal now". What you are describing is relationship marketing, and don't most of us like knowing someone that we purchase from? I know I do, & even when I don't know them to begin with, I know that I will become a long term customer if I am treated in a fair and friendly manner. If someone acts like they could care less about me, then I don't care to purchase their products. I appreciate you bringing this up. Have a nice weekend! Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Scott Reynolds

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Re: Tips for Building your Biz
3/18/2006 3:39:45 PM
Hi Leanne, Good idea. Everyone should "step back" and look at the way they are putting themselvs out there. Would I Buy from me? Asking friends what they think will give you a more objective look. I pass up invitations to be friends when they are nothing but an ad, and wonder about the people with no photo and interests. What are they hiding? (probably nothing but who knows) I understand people being scared of putting to much personal info on the Internet but you can let others know about you without endangering your identity.