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Re: Monsters Or Myths? Which Are Which?
3/19/2006 9:38:56 PM
Hello Kathy (Cuenca)! Are you calling me names or you telling me you chose Bigfoot? Watch it Girl! Only my Mom can call me Bigfoot! lol :-) John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador BioPerformance
Re: Monsters Or Myths? Which Are Which?
3/19/2006 9:45:12 PM
Folks, I seen some other great post I want to address tomorrow. I got to get some sleep now. Bye, and thanks everyone for making this such a fun and interesting forum. Love ya! John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador BioPerformance
Re: Monsters Or Myths? Which Are Which?
3/20/2006 2:09:26 AM
Hi John and Lanell, I vote extra-terrestials...outter space dudes! Thanks Leanne Busby Sign up for free newsletter tips and tricks for networking at home!
Jo Matthias

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Re: Monsters Or Myths? Which Are Which?
3/20/2006 8:25:55 AM
Hello John and LaNell, I don't know where you two find the time, but I am very glad you do. This has been an interesting and informative forum. Thank you both, Take care, Jo
VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Re: Monsters Or Myths? Which Are Which?
3/20/2006 7:43:58 PM
Ivy, James, and Amalia, all three of you brought up some great points that I would like to share my theories with you about. I don't think I'm going to have time tonight but I will sometime soon, hopefully. Ivy, you impressed me with your knowlegde of the scriptures, sounds like you've read the bible many times also. Amalia, I love exploring new ideas on multidimensions, looking forward to discussing it further with you. James, you blew me away with your knowledge of all things having their own sound they emit, I don't think a lot of people know about this, and I have some interesting theories on this subject (I also have some theories I want to share on Light). Please back come again, this forum is only going to get more interesting folks. I also want to make sure that no one misunderstands my joking around on some of these subjects as a sign that I don't believe they are possible or unreal. I just joke around to make the forum more fun. Today's mysteries may be tomorrows common knowledge and fact. Only time will tell. I'm interested in hearing everyone's theories. John Sanchez

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