For those to win in Network Marketing or MLM, the absolute best way to reach success is the have a product that drives the company and NOT HYPE about how much money you can make! To many people think that money is the most important aspect of a company regardless of their product.
This is one of the major reasons so many people fail in MLM. To much emphasis is placed on money rather than the product the company has! Now, if we can simply rethink about the REAL forumla for success, then we could easily change the stats of success in MLM to just the opposite of what it has been!
How do I know this? Being a seasoned veteran helps with 15 years full time in MLM, I was exposed to all kinds of opportunities along the way to learn what works and what doesn't. If someone tries to teach you that money is the most important aspect to MLM, then I would run away from that person as fast as I could!
I myself have chosen health products since I feel and know that this is the number one prority for "Baby Boomers" in today's world, to be healthy! So why not offer them what they want most and make sure that you have a consumable product that is easily duplicated so you can build an ongoing residual income for life!
Tom Sparrow 248-705-9716