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The Power Of Your Imagination....
3/15/2006 2:43:24 AM
....Can Make Things Happen! Think about this! One day you are faced with a huge obstacle, but then you turn it into a personal triumph. Everything turns out fantastic! How do you feel after that? The emotion that you feel after a conquest is unbeatable! But, how did it happen? Events tend to work out in reality the same way that we think about them in our minds. The exact details of the situation may vary a bit, but the end result will be just as you had imagined it would be. The next time that you find yourself in any situation where you really need to succeed, think about the situation in your mind, and then, think about how you want it to turn out. Don't waste time thinking about things that you don't want to happen. Concentrate only on the things that you do want to happen! Recreate the outcome in your mind as many times as possible, and then your imagination will guide you to success. Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: The Power Of Your Imagination....
3/15/2006 6:21:41 AM
That´s right,think positivt,I do that all the time. I hope everyone can do that.
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Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: The Power Of Your Imagination....
3/15/2006 10:51:41 AM
Hi Marilyn, You are so right. Negative thoughts only breed more negativity and that gets us nowhere. It might not always be easy to be positive but it sure is a lot more productive and, if I might mention, healthier. You always feel better when you are being positive. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Re: The Power Of Your Imagination....
3/15/2006 12:40:06 PM
Hi Marilyn , It is the simple things we tend to forget and or over look. The Bible say as a man thinks so is he. I also like the one that says God shall give you witty invensions. Weel how does he do that ? He plants a thought into your spirit. You began to think upon it. You began to speak it and soo it becomes a reality. We God spoke all there is that is seen. It takes mixing this with faith. Faith is within the believer. God said he has given his people power to get wealth. How do we get it? It starts with a thought. Then me mix Faith with it by speaking it out. Remember where Jesus told his follower (learners). When a man speaks and says to the mountain be removed and be case into the sea. Dought not in your heart and what you say you shall have. That is good or bad. What we think and say frames our lives. We are living today in our thoughts and word for days gone by. Well have you ever heard some one say "I think I am getting a cold" A few days latter they have it! It does work! God Bless Johnny
Re: The Power Of Your Imagination....
3/15/2006 12:58:03 PM
Hi Marilyn, I remind myself every morning that I will only be thinking postive thoughts and working toward my goals. I feel better about myself and my choices when I do that.

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