
Tom Sparrow

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21st century health is here today...Dar to compare this ALL IN ONE Health Drink to any other product!
3/12/2006 2:46:08 PM
Welcome to Regenerative Health 101 This call is absolutely free and is not a sales message, we call it our "Call to Wellness" message and it is a key to understanding VIBE 101 and the Eniva Solutomic Technology. Call Toll Free Anytime: 888-363-9480 Every Sickness & Disease Begins On a Cellular Level My goal in life is to help people achieve maximum health through supplementation. I have researched natural health supplements for over 15 years and have just recently joined a company who's primary goal is the same as mine-Eniva & the Vibe 101 product! By providing a complete ALL IN ONE nutrients in a drink & an awesome delivery system like no other product I have seen to date, I could not pass this up! See for yourself below... WHY DO WE NEED TO TAKE SUPPLEMENTS? FACTS THAT WILL SHOCK YOU!!! 1] 99% of ALL Americans are mineral deficient even if they eat organic foods! 2] Almost every single disease and health problems are tied to mineral deficiencies! 3] Even if you buy supplements at the stores including GNC and other health food stores, you are still not getting all the minerals your body needs! WHY? 4] Due to missing nutrients and low assimilation of those nutrients (5%-15% is assimilated, the rest is flushed out), our bodies are starving to death! Every store bought product is full of fillers to make a higher profit margin! Hence-less is used! 5] Think back if you can several years and how little we heard about these health issues that are so prevalent today! Heart Disease, Stroke, MS, Cancers of ALL types, ADD, HIV, AIDS, Children's major health issues, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tumors, Diabetes, Carpal Tunnel, Arthritis, Bursitis, and the list goes on and on!!! 6] People think that by eating properly and even eating organically grown foods that they will have the protection they need to fight off these diseases, FALSE!!! Why? The fact is that we still remain mineral deficient due to lack of the proper nutrients in ANY of the foods we eat!!! 7] Even OUR children have major health issues today unlike many years ago, why? The fast food industry, doctors drugs, sweets, highly saturated fats in foods, chemicals in everything, lack of proper exercise (to much TV & video games), and much more stress today, ALL contribute to children's health problems! Daily, I see this with very close friends of mine whose children have problems like being sick a lot, ADD, Bipolar, brains not functioning properly (slow), memory problems, AHD, muscle & joint problems, diabetes, and the list continues!!! 8] FACT: We are actually killing ourselves with all the stress & chemicals in everything we eat, breathe, and our skin comes in contact with daily! Those with the weaker immune systems suffer first, and many later due to the lack of minerals to keep ourselves healthy! 9] FACT: Without proper nutrients, our cells cannot stay healthy, our bodies become weaker, we feel tired all of the time (can you relate to this?), and we are sicker more often! 10] FACT: Drugs are killing us as well! Why? Drugs ONLY treat symptoms, not the cause of the problem and with so many side effects, our body is telling us that this is NOT natural to our systems which in turn rebel! SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO OUR PROBLEM? Finally, a supplement has been developed that not only has ALL the nutrients your body needs, but 90%-100% is assimilated into your blood cells! Why? Do you remember the term Colliodal Minerals? Well, even colloidal size particles can ONLY be assimilated at most about 30% due to the particle size being to large! We take the colloidal size particle, hit is with a laser and blast it into 10,000 pieces! Now, you have an "Angstrom" size particle which is 4 times smaller than a blood cell!!! Hence, now your body can assimilate this size particle within 15 seconds of drinking this liquid supplement VIBE 101. For those of you who also have health as a priority, please feel free to review this material to see how valuable this product is to everyone on this planet! Two sites for review are: & the science behind the product: My ID is 144770. Call 1-866-999-9191 and use my ID to sponsor as a preferred customer for FREE!!! Also, those of you who want to see this product's value compared to several products on the market already like: Goji Juice, Xango Juice, Sea Silver, ACT, Agel, Noni Juice, & Young Living's Berry Drink, look here: & then go to page 2. Two EXTREMELY important testimonial calls to listen to as well to see why this product is SO effective are: 1-(620) 294-2704, option 2 (listen to option 1 for many more testimonials if you wish) & 1-(618)-355-1135!!! Here is my self replicating website which anyone who comes on our group will get for ONLY $9.97 / YEAR!!! signup here ONLINE: To order product to test yourself, use my website above, order the "Bottle In A Box" & setup AutoShip. Why? You will get 5 FREE samples plus 1 bottle of the Vibe 101, 20 sample package, 10 colored flyers, 1 Awesome CD that will blow you away (why we have to supplement due to lack of nutrients in our soils & foods we consume) & additional info. as there is NO FEE to signup, simply pay for product!!! PS-The more you research this, the more you will want to try it as there is NO comparable product on the entire market! FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for 30 days!!! My Best Health to everyone!!! Tom Sparrow 248-705-9716
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: 21st century health is here today...Dar to compare this ALL IN ONE Health Drink to any other product!
3/14/2006 10:33:37 PM
Sorry Tom, While I normally would not really talk about a competing product in someone else's forum, I will not let your statement about comparing your product to any other pass without a rebuttal. FIrst, I've been drinking, when required, using Noni Juice topically and researching it for OVER EIGHT years and so I KNOW of what I speak. Has your product been every effectively used for OVER FIVE THOUSAND years? Do doctors who really know about your product say: "Noni Juice is the single most important natural healing remedy ever yet found!" And, "It's ability to treat an extremely wide variety of ailments is unsurpassed!" Are there millions of people who LOVE your product and drink/use it every day? Because IT IS a Natural Healing Miracle, do around 300 companies presently sell their brands of it? Does it effectively treat medical problems on BOTH the INSIDES & the OUTSIDES of our bodies? Does it effectively do the same on ALL animals, reptiles, birds, and mammals? Does it repair hearts the point where scheduled heart surgery and heart transplants are NO LONGER needed? Does it repair lungs to the point where who have needed to have extra oxygen no longer need it? Does it (as it has for me) instantaneous stop the pain of a hot grease burn and heal it so there is no scar. Does it decrease a persons desire to smoke so much they quit smoking without any effort other than drinking it for at least a month? Does it effectively treat ALL of the following? Addictions----ADHD----AIDS----Allergies---Arthritis----Asthma----Atherosclerosis ---- Athlete's foot----Autoimmune system dysfunction----Autism---- Blindness (Some types)----Blood vessel problems----Brain Cancer----Breast Cancer----Broken Bones ---- Burns (sunburns, grease, fire, etc.)---- Cancers (other)----Cataracts----CFS---- Chemical sensitivity----Chronic fatigue syndrome----Colitis----Comas----Colds---- Cold Sores----Constipation----Coughing--- Cramps----Chronic pains----Croup---- Cysts----Degenerative arthritis- - --Depression----Diabetes----Diaper rash Digestive----Double vision----Drug addiction----Dry skin spots----Eczema---- Energy---Fevers---Fibromyalgia----Gastric ulcers---Gout---Headache---Heart disease ----Hep C----Herniated disk----High blood pressure----Hyperkertoses----Injuries---- Infections----Insomnia----Irregular heartbeat----Iris Idis----Kidney cancer---- Knee pain----Liver cancer----Macular Degeneration----Menstrual cramps---- Mental depression----Migraine---- Multiple Sclerosis----Murmur----Muscle pain----Nervous system damage---- Neurological disorder----Osteoarthritis---- Pain----PMS----Poor digestion---- Premenstrual syndrome----Prostate cancer----Psoriasis----Rheumatoid arthritis ----RSDS----Senility----Sinus----Sleep Spinal cord problems----Sprains---Stroke-- Sunburn--T-cell count---Toe Nail Fungus-- Tumor---Twitches---Ulceration---Ulcers-- Varicose veins----Yeast rash??????? Here is some more information on it.
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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Tom Sparrow

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Re: 21st century health is here today...Dar to compare this ALL IN ONE Health Drink to any other product!
3/14/2006 11:05:46 PM
Simply look at the ingredients first, then the delivery system. Noni does help people, it is just not a complete health regimen like ours is. There is only one way to know for sure...Signup for FREE and try it with a money back guarantee. By using our advanced formula for total body health, the difference is definately felt. Testimonials? Call: -(620) 294-2704, option 2 (listen to option 1 for many more testimonials if you wish) & 1-(618)-355-1135 It's worth looking closer at!!! My Best! Tom
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: 21st century health is here today...Dar to compare this ALL IN ONE Health Drink to any other product!
3/15/2006 12:37:06 AM
EXCUSE MY FRENCH! BULL CRAP! You actully are so clueless you think you know more about this stuff than I do. Well CHILD, YOU DO NOT!
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: 21st century health is here today...Dar to compare this ALL IN ONE Health Drink to any other product!
3/15/2006 9:35:44 AM
Neil-I don't really appreciate this type of idiotic response and to me it shows who is actually the CHILD here (obviously)!!! You sure won't make friends with comments like that! Simply continue to do what you have always done and be totally brain washed by NONI, it simply doesn't matter to me! And, what is worse, you have fallen into your own trap of the one really who is clueless about anything!!! Please take your BULL CRAP comments elsewhere and do NOT post here anymore since you obviously have a closed mind and are illiterate as well!!! PS-BULL CRAP is not FRENCH either...I must say that this is about one of the dumbest responses I have ever receieved from anyone here on AdLandPro. You quailfy for this award: "Big Dummy Of The Year Award"
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
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