Thank you for the warning Dave. I have not seen that one yet, but I will be sure to keep an eye open for it.
You are absolutely right about doctors. They do know what will kill you, and that is something you can count on.
Being in the wellness industry myself, I see an awful lot of people who have given up on traditional medicine. I think that is a big mistake.
Trying homeopathic remedies is not a bad thing to do, but you should discuss these rememdies with your doctor before trying them out.
If you just don't like your doctor, find a new one. Sometimes it isn't the medical establishment as a whole, but a specific practitioner. Get a second opinion, but get an opinion.
Before starting out on any nutritional supplements, you should always talk with your doctor, especially if you are taking prescription drugs of any kind, even birth control. Some herbs work in harmony with medications, and some do not. Of those that don't, some can actually cause serious side effects, or cause the prescription medicine to not work. Not everything natural is meant to be ingested either.
Before supplementing my own diet with nutritional substances, I took the whole lot to my doctor and asked him if they were right for me. After I got the go-ahead, I started using them. I am happy to report that since starting my supplemental regime, I have not been ill, my cholesterol is at an all time low, and my weight is where I want it to be.
The key is to work with an MD, not to take your health into your own hands by swallowing whatever is popular at the time.
Never take health advice from a forwarded email. That is just plain dumb. When in doubt, check it out... with a doctor.
There I go again... rambling.
Have an awesome day!