Thank you Jeannie and everyone else who's here and also visited my page.
P.S. EVERYBODY: Did you know that there are AdlandPro members who don't realize the amount of traffic they can get here? Tons of people visit AdlandPro daily, not just members, but huge amounts of worldwide visitors! Be sure to post your classifieds and do everything you can to utilize all the great tools available to us here! Our classifieds are posted on 10,000's of worldwide ad sites all with 1 click! And we can be notified when people click thru our ads! Don't take all this for granted, we're truly getting a LOT here. It's also true that when we have a page in the Community, we instantly enjoy the top ranking of just being part of AdlandPro. A friend from high school Googled me and found me thru AdlandPro. We're all near the top just by being here! I'm beyond impressed, now let's all go tell tons of other people! The more people in the Community, the more successful we can all be in our businesses.