Here's one from me.
A Loan Officer by the name of Patricia Whack was sitting at her desk at the bank working when a frog came in and asked her for a $30,000 loan. She said "You must have collateral for that large of a loan".
The frog said, "I don't need collateral because my name is Kermit Jagger and I am the son of Mick Jagger, and I also know the bank manager".
And Patricia said, "Still you must have collateral for that amount."
The frog then pulled out a 1/2 inch, pink,
ceramic elephant and handed to Patricia Whack.
Patricia looked at it in total confusion and told the frog she had to go talk to the bank manager.
Patricia says to the bank manager, "There's a frog out there that says he is Mick Jagger's son, he knows you, he wants a $30,000 loan, and he gave me thiiiisssss for collateral. What the heck is this?"
Don't throw anything at me OK?....
Here goes....
The bank manager said,....
"It's a nick-knack Patty Whack, give the frog a loan, his ol' man's a Rolling Stone."
Things are flying, I can feel them!!!
It's A Good Life!
Sunday Steketee