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Re: How To Get People to Open and Read Your Emails
3/9/2006 10:28:18 AM
Hi Angela, Try HERE! I am not sure if Linda is referring to spam filters in this case, I think we could almost assume that your e-mail has reached its destination. I also am not 100% sure we are talking about newsletters that people might have opted in for. But these are some very valid points. I could of course be completely wrong.
Bob Needham

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Re: How To Get People to Open and Read Your Emails
3/9/2006 10:32:45 AM
Hi Linda, I certainly agree with everyone, if it's from a friend it'll get opened. That's a given. So the question must be how to get a stranger to open your email spam. I think the answer to that is to elicit an emotional reaction, with the subject. I don't open a whole ton of spam, but I do find myself curious about ones that push a button with the subject line. For example; Women fail miserably! Would that get opened? Inside of course would be a recap of how difficult it is for work at home moms and my pitch for a terrific program that would assure they don't fail this time. or another; President Bush is right! or how about; Leave me alone! These are just off the top of my head. And from following Linda for the last few months, I'm probably not even close. Bob
Jim White

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Re: How To Get People to Open and Read Your Emails
3/9/2006 10:50:20 AM
Hi Linda, I'm going with Personalization. This is an email newsletter or mailing list so they would have requested the info from me in the first place (hopefully they remember)
Re: How To Get People to Open and Read Your Emails
3/9/2006 3:59:36 PM
So far all the reasons people are giving that would make them open the email would cause me to add it to my spam filter. Subjects like "Bush is right" go right to the trash. What would make me open it? Have to think more on that, I just know what would not.
Re: How To Get People to Open and Read Your Emails
3/9/2006 4:33:16 PM
Firstly, I must agree that newsletters are probably the easiest way to capture an audience. Advertising in the most popular ones will bring positive result. Myself, I manage 14 email accounts of which each and everyone has a special tag. With my website I have 10 such accounts which are designated: ads - for ffa ads and the like News - for Newsletters members - for my affiliate membrships I think you get the picture. Of course, managing this many email addy's can really eat up your time if it were not for the great features of Outlook Express. I think that the biggest thing to get people to open your mail to add value to your presents by giving your audience something of value and share things that you, yourself have had success with. A great resource that I have used is a 200+ page pdf called Million Dollar eMails. I have posted on my download site and it is totally free if you care to read it. (No email address required.) Talk to Ya'll soon Rod

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