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Dave Cottrell

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Free Traffic Tool that Works
3/7/2006 4:25:17 AM
Hi everyone, I've noticed that a lot of community members are listing their traffic and advertising programs - and many are using a LOT of programs. There is a great free tool available that will increase the effectiveness of many of the programs you're using with less time and work involved. Joining Traffic Hoopla will maximize your results on traffic excanges. Now with TestHoopla, BlogHoopla and Safelist promotion integrated into their system, this is truly a MUST HAVE free tool. This company is constantly testing and rating traffic building programs and safelists, and providing a monthly rating report so that you know which one works best. What I recommend in using them is to list your traffic sites and then use the top-rated one to list your main TrafficHoopla site. As you gain referrals, you will automatically build your other streams of traffic. Traffic Hoopla only takes a few minutes to set up and saves you hours of surfing. If you need any help getting started let me know. God bless, Dave
Bev Hofmann

114 Posts
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Re: Free Traffic Tool that Works
3/7/2006 10:23:25 AM
Thanks for the info Dave. I think I joined that ages ago. Will have to take a look through my mails.
Cheers, Bev Advertising that actually pays you!
Arthur Webster

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Re: Free Traffic Tool that Works
3/7/2006 4:48:20 PM
Hi, Dave, I'll check this out. At the moment I have had to stop most paid programmes as the money just isn't there any more (not that any were particularly expensive - they just mounted up!) but I should promote the free ones - even if only for practice. Hopefully I will recover soon and be able to start all over again. All work and no play might make Jack a dull boy. No work and no pay makes Arthur a tight old coot! Happy, though, strangely enough. Arthur
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Free Traffic Tool that Works
3/7/2006 6:37:55 PM
Hi Arthur, " Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife." Proverbs 17:1 :-) As I told my associates one time when I was in the insurance business and times were very tough, "It sure is great not to have to worry about paying bills anymore!" They all looked at me like I was crazy, as the economy was in the cellar at the time, and they were all worried. Then I said, "When you've got no money to pay the bills, why worry about paying them?" At least it got a laugh and cheered them up a bit! And we all survived just fine. There are a lot of ways to get the word out online without spending money. You have a way with words that you can use to great advantage, just by continuing to post on communities, and by sharing articles on places like our friend, John Partington's article exchange. God bless, Dave
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Free Traffic Tool that Works
3/7/2006 6:38:56 PM
Hi Bev, It works quite well. It's well worth your search! :-) God bless, Dave